CH. 24

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*Warning! This chapter contains mature content. If you don't feel comfortable reading you can just skip to the end (there's an important scene). Enjoy (:


The moment we entered the house I threw myself on Hobi kissing him so passionately that I felt like a different person. We went up the stairs without leaving each other’s body and I honestly don’t know how that was possible.

Arriving at our bedroom he throws me on the bed and soon he was hovering above me, taking a moment to stare into my eyes.

“I missed you so damn much Y/n, you have no idea” Hobi purred and my heart was already out of my chest.

He didn’t give me time to answer before he let me taste his lips again. I grabbed his hair deepening the kiss and he lets a low groan out of his throat while his hand grabbed my waist. I wanted more. I wanted him more. I broke the kiss and attempted to take off his shirt.

“I want you so bad, Hobi” I said and he smirked at me.

“And you will have me, babygirl”.

Babygirl… he knows how to make me weak.  He kissed my neck and I turned to the side allowing him more access. Every kiss sent more and more shivers to my whole body. He started going down my chest, never stopped kissing me but now the kisses were wet and I could feel his tongue.

This man.

He ended up kissing and running his fingers to my thighs giving me goosebumps as a soft moan left my lips.

He squeezed my thighs making me gasp and he seemed to enjoy the effect he had on me. He slides my dress above my head leaving me only with my black lingeries on. Thank god I put the matching ones today. He sat on his legs, eyeing me for a solid minute.

”You’re so beautiful Y/n how the fuck am I so lucky to have you as my girl.”

I chuckled at his words but at the same time they got me even more turned on.
His eyes were dark and lustful and oh lord I love that side of Hoseok. He took off his pants and threw himself on me. The make out session was intense, kissing,grabbing, moaning all that till we couldn’t hold it anymore. I took off his boxers and he did the same to the rest of my clothing.

“Are you sure Y/n?  It’s been a long time since we di-“ I cut his sentence off as I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me giving him the signal that I’ve been ready for 2 damn years now.

“You don’t get how much I missed you too huh? Stop asking me stupid questions and let me feel you” he smiled at me and said with a smirk of his beautiful lips

“As you wish, babygirl”.

And that was it. Finally, after so long, Hobi and I were one. He was caressing my cheeks and kissing me softly but passionate to give me time to adjust, then he proceeded to a slow pace. He was being so kind and romantic and I was falling for him at every second all over again. He looked in my eyes with so much love.

”I’ll never gonna let you go again, you’re so precious to me I’d get a bullet for you” he breathed out and kissed me deeply, his tongue enjoying teasing mine.

Things escalated real quickly. His pace changed in the blink of the eye and all we could feel was each other’s skin and heavy breathing. His heartbeat and his moans were music to my ears. Our bodies collided and my nose filled up with his scent which I get drunk on. His addictive vanilla and honey scent, combined with his sweat right now made me feel dizzy. I  pulled his hair because the pleasure was too much.

At some point I felt brave. I pushed and flipped him over so I was on top. He looked surprised and his eyes were sparkling.

“Someone wanna take the lead huh?” he said and grabbed my thighs to guide me.

“Sit back and relax, loverboy”. I could tell he looked surprised but enjoyed the pet name I gave him jugdging by the way he bit his bottom lip.

I kept a fast pace as I was chasing my high and Hobi throwed his head back, with eyes closed, moaning loud.

“Fuuuuck. Just like that babygirl. Oh fuck” he said with the sexiest and deepest voice I have ever heard giving me the boost I needed. He was looking so damn breathtaking I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.

“You look so hot, babe. It’s insane” Hobi growled as he grabbed my waist, interrupting my focus on his blushed sweaty face. His words made me move faster even tho my legs were already burning up.

“Oh fu…I’m so close babygirl” Hobi said panting.

“Me too, fuck” I breathed out and we both ride our high at the same time. I collapse on him, both of us trying to catch our breaths.

“Shit Y/n that was the best sex we’ve ever had” he said with a raspy voice giggling tired.

“Agreed” I chuckled. I was lying on his chest while he played with my hair and stroke my back with his fingertips. I was so relaxed that I felt my eyes slowly closing.

I was doing little circles on his chest with my fingers and we stayed quiet for a while enjoying the skinship. I was almost asleep when I heard Hobi saying,

“Sleep well princess, I’ll be right here when you wake up”


Hoseok’s POV

I woke up with the sun peaking through the courtain that we forgot to close last night. I ran my hand on my face and felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and Y/n was peaceful sleeping. Naked. Y/n was peaceful naked sleeping on my chest. Our legs were interwined and it didn’t take long for me to remember all the events from last night.

Her light touch, her soft skin against mine, every kiss, every moan. Heaven.

I gave her a slightly kiss on the forehead and smile to myself. I couldn’t be happier.
I looked for my phone on the nightstand to check the hour and end up grabbing Y/n’s instead. It was 9h48. We should probably get up for breakfast. But something else caught my attention.

There were a few messages from her brother and Yoongi and one from an unsaved number.

“Hey, my princess! How are you? Missing you and your lips!”

My’ princess? Are you serious?

Don’t look, Hoseok! Just ignore! Don’t look! Don’t look! Don’t look!

I unlocked her phone with her fingerprint, since her hand was on top of me, and tapped on the message. It was the only one in the chat. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t fight against the urge to answer.

“Hey, her boyfriend here! Can you back off and stop texting my girlfriend?”

I pressed send with a proud smile that disappeared very soon, when the person answered back.

“Hey bro! How’s our princess doing? (; ”

“What the fuck?” I said out loud and Y/n started to move, so I placed her phone back on it’s place. We can talk about that later.

“Good morning” she smiled, barely opening her eyes. Her mascara was slightly smudged, her hair was a mess and yet I’ve never seen her so beautiful.

“Good morning gorgeous” I kissed her nose and she frowned.

“I’m anything but gorgeous right now” she chuckled.

“Are you hungry?”

“Starving” she answered and giggled.

“But what exactly are you hungry for?” I kissed her and started to get on top of her, hovering. I kissed her jaw and went to her neck where some purple spots were already visible. She moaned under me and just like that I was ready for another round. Then I heard exactly what I wanted.

“I think real food can wait”

It's getting hot in here...
I don't know if you can tell but it wasn't me who wrote the smut! So let's all thank my bestie Helena from ig @/sugasmind for helping me with this one ❤ I hope you enjoyed (:

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