CH. 11

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I sighed loudly as soon as I got home and threw myself on the couch next to jungkook, closing my eyes.

“Long day?” he laughed.

“You have no idea. And the food machine wasn’t working so I couldn-” I looked at him and saw a big smile on his lips, “Why are you smiling?”

“I met someone today.”

“Really?” I sat straight giving him my full attention “And?”

“And nothing. We settled a photoshoot for the next week that will come out in a magazine and that’s it,” he shrugged.

“Kook, you book photoshoots every week and you never mention them to me. What’s up with this one?” he started to play with his fingers looking embarrassed.

“I don’t know, okay? Let’s see how it goes then I’ll tell you.”

“Fine,” I snorted softly lying on the sofa, too tired to have a discussion right now “Where’s Yoon?”

“He was out looking for some apartments. He should be here soon."

“I want sushi” I mumbled.

“We can have sushi” he chuckled.


Hoseok’s POV

“I want pizza,” was the first thing I said when Joon opened the door to me.

“We ordered already, don’t worry,” he laughed and hugged me, giving me space to get in.

“Oh damn! The new JIHO boss is here!” Taehyung said from the couch and Jimin got up to hug me.

“Is it true that we haven't seen each other for 2 years already??” he said dramatically, not letting go of me.

“We saw each other 3 months ago,” I laughed.

“3 months, 2 years, it’s all the same,” he smiled.

“I guess you were too busy getting famous around the world to remember you have friends,” Tae said and Jimin made a shocked face.

I grabbed a beer from the kitchen before sitting down with them.

“You’re kidding right? I send messages in our group chat every day! You guys are the ones who suck and don’t answer me!” he complained  and I laughed.

“Of course we answer you,” Tae protested.

“WHAT? You are the one who always disappears! Do you know how many times I tried to video chat with you but you were too busy?”


“A lot okay?” Jimin crossed his arms and we all laughed when Taehyung hugged him.

“I’m sorry, I won’t do that anymore okay? I love yoooouuu,” he said in a funny way and Jimin cracked up laughing.

“Fine, now let go of me!”

“Your promotions are over?” I asked.

“Yeah. Now I need to find a producer so I can work on some new songs,” Jimin sighed loudly, “That part sucks."

“We’ll find someone. Don’t worry,” Joon reassured him, taking a sip of his beer.

“I heard that you were working on something. What is it?” Jimin asked and I placed my bottle on the floor, taking my phone from my pocket to show him my project.

I set up the video and the other two gathered around Jimin so they could also see.

“I already showed you two!”

“So?” Namjoon looked at me skeptically.

“Woooow. Hobi! You- woooah,” I couldn’t help but smile at Jimin’s reactions

“Woooow,” my three friends said at the same time and I chuckled.

“Is this out already?”

“If it was, I would be dead by now,” I grumbled.

“Oh right… your dad,” Jimin remembered with an annoyed expression.

“Does he have any idea about this?” Joon asked, going back to his seat.

“Nope. He still thinks that I was studying for the last 2 years to run the company one day,” I rolled my eyes. “It doesn’t matter to him what I want, he only cares about himself.” I stared at the logo of my beer and took a big sip, “But it doesn’t matter. Anyway,” I cleared my throat. “I made this for a contest that I was having in my college last year and I kinda won,” I said with a proud smile.

“And do you wanna make more of those?” Tae questioned.

“Actually… I wanted to ask Jimin if I could use his studio,” I smiled, looking at them “I wanna make a mixtape

Hii! So, I decided to update twice a week ❤ If you can go to my instagram (@/groupchatbts) and vote!! Or leave a comment here! (: The options are:
1- Sunday and Monday
2- Monday and Thursday

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now