CH. 13

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“I mean, he kills himself and that’s it?? They won’t even tell us what’s his problem? That’s messed up!” I complained to Jin about the Netflix movie he told me to watch. It turns out he didn't like it either, he just wanted to have someone to complain along with him.

“I knoooow!! I’m telling you! It’s awful! And you wanna know what’s even worse?”


“I cried!” he announced incredulously.

“You what?” I looked at him in disbelief, “In which scene??”

“With her speech at the end! Can you believe that? I was all pissed with the movie and then a tear trickled down my cheek!”

“It was a good speech though.”

“Okay, you’re losing focus here!"


“Excuse me?” a voice interrupted me, “I’m looking for Jung Hoseok,” said Park Jimin.

Park Fucking Jimin was right in front of me. My jaw hit the floor and my brain turned into jelly. Damn, he’s something. Look at those lips and those thig-

“Hello?” I blinked and remembered that I should answer.

“Hi! I’m sorry, It’s just that it’s funny the fact that I came to work listening to your album and you’re suddenly here,” I laughed embarrassed and he smiled.

“Oh really?” he leaned in over the balcony getting closer to me. Is it getting hot in here or it’s just me?

“What’s your favorite song?”

“Umm… Shit, that’s hard,” I said and he chuckled and I wanted to kiss him. I’m so doomed, “I’ll say Lie cause it’s gold,” I smiled.

“Good choice. But right now my favorite is Serendipity, mostly because of the choreo, y’know,” he smirked. Oh yeah. I know. I sooo know. “Have you been to any of my concerts?”

“Yeah, last year. This year I had to work so I couldn’t go,” I answered feeling like a teenager again.

“Well, in the next one I’ll make sure to come here and talk to your boss, who’s basically my best friend, so you can go,” he winked and my heart stopped.

What’s up with all those hot guys winking at me?? And most important, was Jimin… flirting??

“Hi! I’m Kim Seokjin! Y/N’s best friend,” Jin pushed his chair beside me, being a part of the conversation now. “I also couldn’t go to your concert this year because of work,” he made a sad face and Jimin laughed.

From sexy to cute in less than a minute. Okay.

“Jimin!” Hoseok showed up, greeting his friend.

“You have to marry Hoseok, he knows everyone!” Jin whispered to me and I elbowed him.

“What are you doing here?” my boss asked.

“I wanted to talk to you about my studio and I’m also running from Joon. He wants me to find a producer soon and I’m procrastinating about it.”

“I know someone!” I spoke loudly getting up from the chair. The two boys looked at me “I know a great producer! And he’s also a songwriter! And he’s available.”

“Really?” Jimin got closer to me again, “Can I have his number?” I wanted to jump in excitement. I nodded and wrote Yoon’s number on a paper giving it to Jimin.

“Thank you! What’s your name again?”

“I’m Y/N.”

“I will certainly remember that,” oh damn.

“So!” Hoseok said loudly, placing his hand on Jimin’s shoulder, “Let’s go to my office so we can talk.”

“Yeah, sure! It was nice meeting you two,” Jimin answered accompanying my boss.

“My pleasure,” I sat down trying to get rid of my stupid smile.

“I would totally be gay for him,” Jin suddenly said making me laugh.


One last thing to do and I can finally go home. I walked towards Hoseok’s office and tapped the glass, making him turn his attention from his paper to me.

I gotta say, when he walks in the morning he is one great view, but Hoseok after work it’s also something to talk about. His hair was just a little bit messy, his jacket was on the chair, his sleeves were rolled up and his glasses were on point. Breathtaking.

“I just wanted to give you the folder for the charity event that we’re holding. Everything’s settled, nothing to worry about.”

“Thank God I have you,” he grabbed the paper and sighed, “Tomorrow right? At 8pm?”


“What kind of company holds a charity event on a Tuesday?”

“Our company for the last 30 years,” he looked at me and smiled.

“You’re right,” we then just stared at each other. No words were needed. I knew what that look meant and it was a dangerous one.

“I should go now,” I gestured at the door, “See you tomorrow night.”

“Good night,” he smiled. When I was about to reach the door he called.


“Do you…” he scratched the back of his neck “You know what? Nevermind. I see you tomorrow,” I agreed and left.

I have nothing to say 👀

My New (ex) Boss [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now