Childhood Memories

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~Your POV~

 "And this, Y/N, is where you'll be sleeping from now on," said Miss Heights. 

She opened a door, revealing a huge room with multiple beds in rows. It seemed like it went on for miles. Your nine year old E/C eyes looked up at Miss Heights, for you were afraid. 

"Ew! Don't look at me! You should know better!" she yelled in disgust. "Next time, I'll take you to the time out room. Ugh. I hate children." 

 Then she left, her skinny legs pacing quickly down the dark hall. You look around. All the beds have names on them. You walk up and down all the rows of beds before you finally find a bed with your name on it. 

 "Y/N L/N," you said aloud. You sigh, tossing your backpack on the bed and sitting on the matress. It was hard and uncomfortable on your bottom. You try adjusting yourself to feel better, but it just makes it worse. You look up and read the name on the bed beside you. "Leo Valdez."

"Yes?" someone said beside you. 

Your head quickly jerks to the left and you see a boy about your age holding a broken tin can in his hands. Some parts of the can were sticking out. Even as you watched him, he was fiddling with it. His hair was curly and dark. His chocolate brown eyes were connected with your E/C ones. He was wearing black shorts that were way too big for him, paired with a huge white tee shirt. 

He looked like a really weird elf.

"You said my name," he said. 

"What?" you asked, confused. Then you realized. This was Leo Valdez. "Oh. You're Leo?"

"Mhm. Who are you? Are you the new girl they were talking about outside?" he asked, walking closer to me. He had to pull up his pants a little because they were falling off. 

"I'm new. I'm not sure I was the one they were talking about," you responded. "What did they say?" 

"They talked about this girl with the ugliest H/C hair and disgusting E/C eyes," he replied. 

You chuckled, a little hurt. "Yep, that's me." 

"No you're not. You have pretty hair and beautiful eyes," Leo said, sitting on his bed and turning his attention on his tin can. 

You smiled. 

"Thank you." 


You woke up, groggy from your dream. It wasn't really a dream. It was more of a memory. But it was kind of weird. You hadn't thought of Leo Valdez for years. 

How long has it been? Five years? 

You don't know, but you wake up from the sleeping bag you were laying on. You could already smell the garbage around you. Your head hurt. Your stomach rumbled loudly. 

It was very early in the morning, the sun was barely beginning to rise, but it was good for you. There would be less people on the streets. It would be easier to find food if there was no one around to stop you. 

See, you've been living on the streets for as long as you can remember. You've been all over the country, trying your best not to go back into foster care. Every time you we're fostered by some random couple or family, it never ended well. So one day, you decided to run away. 

Just like Leo. 

You sighed, shaking your head and getting up. You grabbed your sleeping bad and rolled it up, grabbing your backpack too. You leave the alleyway you we're sleeping at and walk down a random street to look for food. 

You see lots of closed stores. You decide to hunt for something inside a garbage can behind a Denny's. 

Just as you're about to take a bite in a really weird looking pancake, someone come up to you. 

"Hello, child," a weird looking woman said. She seemed to be fifty years old or older. She was wearing a black leather jacket, a black tee shirt, jeans, and the ugliest pair of shoes you had ever seen. She was pretty small, but there was something off about her. Her eyes looked murderous, hungry almost. She was smiling weirdly at you. "What are you doing here?"

Dang it, you thought. Here we go again. 

"I'm just trying to find something," you lied. 

"Oh really? Me too," she responded. 

"Oh." You were confused. She got closer, making you uncomfortable. "What are you looking for?" 

"You," she said. Then, all of a sudden, her eyes started glowing. Her crooked, ugly fingers turned into talons. Her leather jacket formed into big, black leathery wings. 

"He can't wait to see you, demigod," she snarled. 

Then you ran. 

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