Chapter 36 - You can't die on me

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Tori's POV

I stare at his retreating figure, his frame stopping as my words register. I take a step closer but before I reach him he rises up the stairs

I look at him move away and to the right side off to his room. A loud bang surfaces from his door as he slams it.

I feel a lump in my heart, and then slowly my lips break into a smile. Why the hell am I smiling? I ask myself confused.

As eventful as this had been at least I learned a few things about him, maybe that's why. Or maybe the fact that I finally got to see real emotion from him.

Although he may be grining a lot especially when he tries to make a fool out of me, it never really seemed to reach his eyes.

He always has that bored or plane expression on his face that sometimes I wonder if he'll ever change.

And today he did, well it wasn't how I hoped it would be but at least when this is over we might be able to become friends.

I look up the stairs checking if he's looking down at me, finding no one there, and back to the picture.

I walk over to it and crouch so that my eyes are parallel to it,"One day he'll show you, and that day we'll be more than alright," I say loud enough for him to hear if he's listening from his room.

I turn around and walk away to my room, each step bring a piece of our conversation. I'll just give him time, after all it won't be that long.


Three weeks later(Use SpongeBob time loop voice if necessary)

Three's been three solid weeks and we haven't said a words to each other. The past three weeks have been nothing but eventful especially at home.

Staring at the roof of my room, my phone far and out of reach. I couldn't even stand looking at my phone, it just reminded me of him.

For the past few weeks it's like we don't even see each other, especially when he left a house key for me.

I remembered his exact words when he dropped the key on the table, the first words we he had said to me in two weeks then.

"Here's a house key, leave if you like, stay if you want," were his only words, he didn't even wait for my reply before turning his back to me.

It's like he didn't even realise that I stayed home overnight when I was doing laundry and came back the next day, just like today.

Okay then again I we agreed on that but it's still odd that he didn't question where I went or what I did even though it's not his to know.

My mind goes back to school, how he acted like there was nothing wrong between us but never really spoke to me, only giving nods and shrugs.

I let out a sigh, knowing that thinking like this won't get me anywhere, and neither did my apologies of the first week.

I having just finished with laundry and house chores that the people he "got" to maintain here missed. But they did do a good job.

"Okay I can't live like this," I roll of yo the side of the bed, sitting upright as I reach it. "I'm starving and I'm home, my parents are fine and everything will be alright," I tell myself getting up to my feet.

Lets restart the day, and start with a bath. I get off the bed and make for my bathroom, planning to start my day fresh without thinking too much about him.

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