Chapter 40- Not a date

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Tori's POV

"I call single!" Like a child he bursts into the house jumping into the one man sofa he always lounges in.

"Why call for it when you always stay in it?" I ask completely lost yet bemused by how he acts so mature and serious in school and a complete child at home.

"Simple really, cause it's your turn to cook, but luckily I'm in the mood for pizza," he says as he stretches, his toothy contagious grin catching my gaze before I drop to the long couch.

"No fair I paid so that mean either you cook or you order," I say pulling out a bag of chips from my bag. Thank you Pringles and your no air policy.

"Onion flavour.." he says with a chuckle. "Yeah what about it?" I ask lost by his response. "Well shouldn't you watch your breath as a lady or whatever?"

"I would if I was either in school, on a date or in every singles situation of my life?!" I say not seeing why there's a reason not to, "As in you won't have eaten this in school for the sake of your composure and image,"he adds his eyes lazily meeting mine.

"Well I guess. But anyway I want pepperoni on my pizza no veges," I say as he grins,"So a large for you and a large for me," he says taking his phone from his pocket.

"You know I don't think you can eat a whole pizza by yourself, at least there'll be a few so why not an extra extra and we share?" I ask knowing it's a better option and will most likely come with a free drink.

"Simple really, cause you use my money, well at least half, so I get to chose how much I spend and if you have complaints you can get a job," he finishes as he places the phone to his ear.

I glare at him and his logic, and I don't use his money he suggested it so I won't be overly worried about my parents when the time laps for their promotion is over.

"Well I do have a job and the only difference is that," he raises his hand and points to the phone. How dare he.

"...Yeah it's me, yeah....full movie pack and don't be stringy with the goodies....alright see you," he ends the call and  twirls his fingers,"You may proceed."

I roll my eyes at him but decide it's better to finsih what I started,"Like I said the only difference is that it-"

"Depends on the open trading month of the gaming company yes and till they do you're broke so you gonna complain or enjoy the free greens?" He says cutting me off.

"I'm not a gold digger so stop treating me like one," I say getting angry from his statement. His gaze tenses somewhat and then blanks out to its usual.

"I know that, juts telling you the truth and it's not like you're an impulsive spender. If I thought you were a gold digger well you could have kissed your ass cause you ain't getting shit."

I suddenly feel like something's been over my shoulder. I push the feeling away and chose to change the topic to something else.

"So what's the movie?" He looks at me dumbfounded, his gaze piercing through me. "You said full movie pack so I assume there gonna be a movie."

"There wasn't literally going to be a.... never mind just know this is not a date." The thought gets me to gag and I end up chuckling. A date huh? Still haven't said a thing about Joana yet.

"As if I'd ever go on one with you, so what's the movie?" I ask already knowing he has a soft spot for Disney. "The notebook?"

My eyes fall out of their sockets at the romantic movie. But he just said it's not a date so why that one? Or was he being sarcastic. I look at him in the eye to be sure this wasn't some elaborate joke.

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