Chapter 2- Game On

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In a world where war is life and death is nothing but an action caused by nature, a world where demons roam free and do as they wish, a world which was never meant to be like this, nothing but a world where there are no general laws pertaining to life or death...not anymore.

In the beginning the world was not so chaotic, no, in fact it was blessed, being the very first creation of  Valor, king of the gods and god of life itself. He gave this world life, the vegetation, the earth, the animals all lived under him. But he was not pleased, so he set to work on someone to keep him company, adore him and worship him and put his power to create the first race, the dwarfs to inhabit the land.

He was amazed with his work and set forth to create elves to inhabit the forest lands, and beastmen of 5 races, some gorilla(Chininks), lion(Leon), cheetah (Chetans), the winged(Fliglets) and wolf(Canids). But after all his creations he wanted to make one just like him, someone who would make it seem like he was worshipping himself and created the last race, the human kind.

These were his favourite as they were beautiful and could learn and do as they pleased, for they were perfect in his sight. Amongst them there was a woman of great beauty, she was so beautiful and perfect in his eyes that he called her to be his queen which she accepted. Gaining the title of goddess of creation, he and his queen lived a happy life and even had their first son, Viero.

Jade, the mortal turned god, loved her family greatly but still loved her old kind more and would often visited them. Viero upon learning about his mother's past began to fear of not reaching to his father's full potential and sought to test his strength.

During the creation process there must always be a balance, hence  the more something is killed, the more it must respawn unless through extinction where nothing is there for balance to occur, creatures of creation and creatures of destruction, positive and negative, good and evil.

All this negative energy was put into an orb by the help of Grando, the god of all magic, the orb of chaos. Viero sought for it, sneaking into his father's chamber and took it. He tried to master its power to prove he was as strong as his father but he failed and the orb fell and broke.

The negative magic encased Viero as many treacherous monsters, plants and animals alike were brought out from their home dimension and evil versions of eleves and and dwarfs, the dark elves and the underworlders.

Viero was transformed into a being of raw power, destruction and chaos, the Demon King. His darkness spread across the land and with the help of  them he defeated and locked up all the gods in prisons protected by dungeons of powerful demons.

Valour in his final moments of power sent his aura go summon souls that would form bodies and would be hylinks(players) and would protect his creation and someday defeat his son.

Evil's Path is not your typical MMORPG as when you die you'll have to restart the entire gaming process, a new avatar, new name and all. It also operates based on life and also your imagination, that means that your statistics are related to how strong and how quick at thinking you are and your descions will have consequences to them, like how killing a king would either make you king or his kingdom fall which in turn leads to internal wars, and at the same time your abilities are limited by your imagination meaning  anything can be possible.

I wish you good luck hylink as you venture through the world. Enjoy and don't be killed!


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