Chapter 32 - Post Jungle Madness

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Zoithan's POV

We continue out the way we came in. I look back at the rising sun, thinking what an unexpected use of the time skip orb that I crushed when we had faked the waking up of the direfoxes.

"Hey, can you run?" I ask her, as she lazily looks at me, a drunk like expression on her face. "Say what?" She asks looking even lazier than before as her lips continue to grow wider as she treads forward.

I take her up my arms like a potatoes sack and throw her over my shoulder,"Hey what's this for!?" She shouts while pounding my back. "Right now you need blood to that nonexistent brain of yours," I retort running through the castle.

I run to the entrance of the castle, the soldier taking away their injured as they all relax on the ground, some on elevated platforms of earth. A warrior notices me carrying her, her kind of white and golden clothes saying she's a restoration mage, the healers.

I turn to the side, letting them have a sight of their leader acting like a child being forced against her will. Some visibly let out a heavy sigh, their hearts content. "She'll be fine you guys go ahead with the rest and wrap up." I order them knowing I didn't need to relay instructions for them to know what to do.

"Wait where are you planning on taking me!?" She squims as she continues to pound my back. "If I were you I'd get on my back, although I'd advice to be careful," I say haven dropped her down to her feet.

"Captain Gynesin," she calls the commander who pretended to be the leader of the direfox. The man or should I say beast man appears, his imposing figure and strength coming off as he nears.

"How are the men?" She asks the new official general as he bows,"We were really lucky, we only had injured but no casualties what so ever," he says his voice laced with extreme pride and happiness. "Alright then, first attend to the wounded and then proceeded as you see fit."

He nods and turns to leave but stops in his tracks, his eyes turn to me as he does. "Is there something wrong?" I ask as he continues to look down at my feet unable to meet my eyes despite his position. "Thank you, for all your help we are truly grateful."

I roll my eyes at his act of gratitude, placing my hand on his shoulder,"No sweat I was in it for the fighting anyway," I say. He raises his head, his calm eyes holding fear and respect withing them. Just like how I like it.

"Don't thank him Captian you'll only make his ego grow bigger," Vi says with a pout as she looks to the side at her men. The man let's about a little barely audible chuckle,"I wonder if you two know each other elsewhere," he whispers but loud enough for us to hear should we choose to answer.

"As if she gets the pleasure of knowing me," I say with a hand on my chest choosing to be the one to tell him what he wants. "Why you!" She says her neck snapping to me. Her hair flour changes to its usual pale yellow colour.

I look up to the sky and recognise it. "Get on." I command Vi who looks at me skeptically. I roll my eyes at her and indicate a thumb at my back. My wings shoot out and expand to their full length.

Enjoying the feeling of stretching the out I flap them a little, a gust of wind erupting from them as they blow at my hair.

She cluches on to me, her hand wrapped around my neck from the back,"Let it be know ln that I can kill you if you try anything funny." She squeezes my neck, and I nod, tapping her arm to release in agreement.

I push off the earth, a flap from my wings propels me high into the sky, my wings beating as I continue to rise higher. "WHY DID I AGREE!" Vi shouts and I try to stifle a laugh. I fly around the palace, taking it in a circular motion from the bottom to the top.

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