Chapter 34 - Sneaking through the labyrinth

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"Ow, yes lay it on me,"..."More"...."More,"...."ha ha I just killed all your forces in half a minute," I chuckle as Sam's hands run through my hair, the motion enough to let me sleep.

"You're feeling competitive today," his husky voice teases me as his lips touch my fore head,"Hey no fair your throwing me off guard," I says as the screen flashes killed in red paint.

"Now look what you made me do, you're going to have to pay the price," my voice lets off with a smile, my legs pushing against yeh arm of the couch while I wrap my hand around his neck.

"Why so I have to?" He asks his teasing smile drawing me closer,"well that's because you aught me off guard and stole my heart...then before I know it was..."

My lips loose all sense as we draw nearer, his hot breath tickling my lip,"was..." The word repeats as my grip on his neck tightens, his hand going slightly lower.

He take away one hand from my back and sends back a hair strand, as our eyes lock to each other, closing as well as the distance between us,"...was...gameover."

Tori's POV

My eyes pop open as stare to the pillow that I didn't cuddle to sleep. "Why did I _have_ to wake up?" I whine as I do back and forth on the bed.

Knowing. This is going to just tousle my hair, I stop and instead hit the innocent pillow. "Why!" I say animatedly.

Okay I have to stop on the anime. A smile comes on my lips as I register my exaggeration. I look at the pillow, the sheets I took from home reminding me of it.

Nah I'm never quitting, a small smile takes over my lips as I take my phone from the bed side.

My fingers quickly call Joana,thank you speed dial. I place the phone to my ear,"Come on girl pick up." I groan hoping that she picks up.

The call goes to voice mail and I sigh looking at the time to be sure that she'd be awake. "It may be a Saturday but no need to wake up like a vampire."

I say the text aloud as I type it, hitting the send button. Okay girl you can do it, just get up the bed and start your day like his stupid deal didn't affect you a bit.

Filled with the strength of making it look like livijg with him is not going to likes me. I roll of the bed landing flat on the floor from the excess force.

"Okay that's not how I planned on starting my day," I groan as I rise. "At least the bathrooms a perk," I say walking to the bathroom that's reasonably bigger than mine.

I move to the closest, big enough to actually be a walk in kind, but gratefully not, after all I'd have to much excess spaces.

After picking something descent, I set it on the bed walking into the bathroom. "Just a few months and this will be over."


"Of course he'd leave me in the house," I say pulling off the note from the fridge. My eyes roll as I read the part saying he's getting my trash as well.

I crumple the paper and make for my food, nothing to jumpstart your day more than bacon and sausages.

I munch on my toast, sending my plates of goodies to the couch. "Now let's see what he's got to offer," I say stretching for the remote, phone by my side.

I check on my phone, the screen still not lit by a reply from Joana. I sigh and turn on the TV, my lips turning into a grin.

After spending two hours behind the scenes of the screen, I walk into the kitchen for a fruit bored. I would normally go out but I don't have a key to the house and knowing him he'd lock me out if he gets back before me.

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