Chapter 15 - Do You Trust Me

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Envisio's POV

The boulder is thrown away with great speed and crashes far off after a miraculous twist in direction. My attention goes back to the ladies in the pool barely dressed with nothing but a few leaves covering their sensitive parts. The most interesting of the lot apart from the ladies clearly being made up water is that they're surrounding a man who might be called Tarzan when you think of it with nothing but a cloth draped around his waist although sometimes seems off about him.

"He's undead," Zoithan's voice echoes in my head answering my unthought of question. We may be mind linked but it's just weird when he reads your mind before you think it. I shiver involuntary at the thought, "Focus would you," he echos once more. I fix my gaze back to the man in his tarted clothes and the women behind and beside him and a prompt pops up.

Identification complete

Rusalka creature of pure water and temptation for all, especially men. Play a sweet lullaby that disorients all{especially ladies and bring them to their will. Fire works well on them but you must break through their spell to be able to beat them. And FYI they can drink your mana, or was it will power, well it's something so be careful.

Lev range: 400-415

I skim through it knowing very well that Zoithan is recieving the knowledge as well. "Men? Then you're in luck bug guy," I tease patting his shoulder and he rolls his eyes. "Welcome to the guard falls," the man says with a bow,"My my, such a lovely one ain't she ladies?" He says to the Rusa and they let out murmurs of agreement. "Who are you? I don't remember beating someone like you?" Zoithan says scratching his chin and I face palm at his arogance.

"Not everyone here is because of you," I say with a sigh,"That's because you didn't. I am Hiyodo, master wizard and women lover," he says with a broad grin and rotating his hips. I gag at his discussing antics and hope that his hands don't get anywhere near me, "Now don't worry boys aren't bad either," he adds with a wink. "So you want to have your way with us for the shelter behind the waterfall?" Zoithan asks nonchalantly with a stone hard expression.

Hiyodo turns around and looks at the falls before looking back at Zoithan, "Which waterfall?" He asks sounding somewhat nervous,"The one behind you?" He say in his deadpan tone. "Ow that one, but how did you know it was a shelter?" Hiyodo asks with an etched brown and sinister smirk on his lips, his lifeless eyes that can be seen even from here make me shrug involuntarily.

"Someone like you would obviously be going into hiding so I guessed you lived inside the water not around," Zoithan who looks bored like hell says mentally telling me to come forward and we walk closer. "Sharp tongue have we? Girls I think it's time we disciple them a little," Hiyodo says, his latter statement to the girls around him. "I'll take the pervert you take the hotties," he bellows through my head and I decline,"I take the pervert  you take the hotties". He shots me a brow before nodding,"Glad you know you ain't one of them."

He materialises his gauntlets and I do same to my staff doing a little showing off as I spin it around before rushing forward for the man. The rusalka rush towards me with great speed, water serpants moving with them as the hoard rushes to me. A mandala appears not too far from me and I jump into it, teleporting me behind the on rushing female to Zoithan. Behind them, there are two rusalka left, and I throw my staff at Hiyodo to test him.

One of the rusa catches it before it touches him and I deselect it, choosing to take a different approach. Hiyodo begins to kiss the other rusa and before I have any moment to say something out of how disgusting he's making it a sea serpent wraps itself around me in attempt to break my bones and drinks my mana as well.

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