Chapter 3- No more hiding

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I put my hands to my head and remove the VR headset, a little disappointed that I didn't get to view all the prompts and see if I had any new skills. But alas since I don't let my game life interfere with my real life I push all thoughts aside as I exit the game room and leave to my room in search of my phone.

I search about the room placing my hand on the papers in case it was on the floor, wouldn't want to step on it would you, the voice in my head says as J agree and continue the search. After about 4 minutes of searching on the ground I hear a vibrating sound in my workstation.

Standing up, I walk gentle to it and find the vibration coming from a under a pile of papers. I push them aside and I'm filled with relief as I see my phone with Sam's name on the caller ID. I pick it up and place the phone by my ear as I jump into the king sized bed, kicking of my shoes as well as removing jacket on the bed. It's a good thing this isn't a video call, I say out loud before answering the call.

"What's up if bro?" I ask hoping to soften his resolve, he seams to hesitate meaning that my endearment worked...or so I thought,"Don't use that brother move on me, and don't worry the punch satisfied the anger," he says and I almost feel guilty for using that term when I do something wrong so freely, almost.

"Yeah well it didn't hurt as much as you think it did," I say half truth, that throw he gave did hurt but I don't think it did as much as he wanted it to. "And anyway I'll try to make it tomorrow," I add quickly before he can say anything. "You've missed school for a week and now today, I told mom and dad I would take care of you or at least watch you, if you keep doing this they won't be happy," he says and knowing him he'd have a grin on his face with the card he played.

Mr and Mrs Brooker, the two lovely foster parents that raised my brother and I for three years after an incident but also provided anything we needed being so rich and for the way they were always caring and being the best parents they could to children who weren't theirs, they had my gratitude and a promise to at least try and not get into too serious trouble and I keep my promises to the letter, another reason why I have only made five my whole life.

I've only been in Old Toronto(most of the population still call it this way even though not for foreigners to not get lost) for 3 weeks of which I was supposed to have joined school with my brother both of us in our final years. And since I'm not yet 18, my birthday all the way in summer I can't really decide on my education or however they frame it.

I sigh as I realise I can't make up excuses any longer, gone are the days of waking up at close to midday, my conscience crys as I say,"Fine, I'll go to school tomorrow," I say with an even sadder sigh. A faint chuckle catches my ear, guessing it's because he has me concerned, only until his next statement did I wish it was because of that,"That's the thing, it's 7:45 am... you have 45 minutes till school starts have a nice day," he says the last part with a wicked edge to it.

I whirl off the bed as I pull the curtains I had closed in the morning when I was leaving and sure enough the sun is out. I face palm my self allowing the force to push me back on the bed. Great, just great, I say as I get off the bed to prepare for the day.

8:35, I'm already 5 minutes late even though I just finished eating out half my fridge as I keep on forgetting that not only did I spend over 15 hours in that game but I also already had a great appetite before I submerged myself. I go down to the stairs to the basement door leading to the garage door, wearing my vintage black jacket and a blue shirt underneath with black skinny jeans and black and white high top all stars, Ah yes, the perfect bad boy look, just without the piercing, I say in my head laughing at how many schools had called me a delinquent and the school body calling me the 'bad boy', and yes I said schools.

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