Chapter 38

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Ria POV:

Only after I spoke to Jay I felt relieved regarding that stupid Narein who is out there planning to ruin Rose's life with his foolish thoughts. In all the rush and workload I forgot to inform Rosy about Jay coming here in 2 weeks. I thought I will see her tomorrow morning in college and slept off. Something seemed odd because that monkey didn't wait for me today in the parking and only sent a text that he has some work. He told me that he will be waiting for me in the evening. He really has some patience stored because he keeps on sending me long text message even if I send him only a devil emoji 👿. I couldn't meet Rosy the whole day and did not receive any text from Richie during our lunch break. I thought I will get to see him in the evenings but again I saw them leaving the parking the same time I reached there. Is he toying with me or is he already tired of roaming behind me? My mind was bringing various scenarios for his behaviour because this is new he has never left without seeing me at least once a day. The entire day I did not receive any messages except the ones from morning.

I was in my kitchen chopping of onions thinking of that monkey, Dad's chuckle brought me back to present. Princess those onions should retain something in them to bring out flavors in the food, you are basically killing them. Who made you this angry that you are killing these poor onions? I just glared at my dad before speaking, dad why don't you cut them and make dinner since I am killing them. I placed the knife on the board washed my hands and removed my apron before placing them in my dad's hands with a sweet smile. Common princess this is a very bad decision, if you are really hungry. Dad I am already messed with so many things filled inside my mind, so can we just order food for both of us after an hour. I left the place after seeing my dad smirking at me like he knows exactly the reason behind my messed state. I just screamed while climbing the stairs that Jay will be here in 2 weeks. Princess he already informed us.

I did not even stop to hear the rest, I went to my room and grabbed my mobile to find any messages or calls from that monkey but I did not get any. Its already 8 pm, is he not well because I know he never works during this time of the day. He appeared out of thin air most of the time as if I was the only important job he had in his whole life. I was just staring at his number for the past half and hour with an urge to call him, suddenly my phone started ringing making me startled. It was him, I felt a wave of relief running through me before slowly accepting the call. He screamed into my ears like he just won something big. Ria babe I am so sorry, I think I am just a fool and stupid. Anyways come out I a standing in front of your house. That's all I needed to hear, with the mobile in the ears I ran down the stairs towards our gate to find him leaning against his car in his grey sweats. I stood in front of him for few seconds to catch my breath before hitting him hardly. He was screaming and yelping in pain before he caught both of my hands with his left and pulled me by my waist towards him. I was trying to catch my breath and pull my hands from his hold.

He slowly released my hands and removed my hair spread across my face. We were only inches apart from each others lips, we were standing that close to each other. My hands rested on his arms on the either sides, he slowly spoke breaking the silence. Why did I get all these beatings Ria babe? I was in the verge of tears, stupid monkey you left me waiting for you in the college. You didn't even call me or text me the whole day, I thought you will never come see me again. Babe you thought I will never come see you again? He was already grinning with sparkly eyes, I did not want to boot his ego so I smacked his head hardly before releasing myself from his hold. When I was at a decent distance form him I warned him 'Never forget what you promise me and Don't make me wait for you'. He just nodded his heads with an eyes filled with confusion. I slowly neared him and pulled his cheeks before kissing his forehead 😍.

When I moved back from him, he was flushed giving a shocked expression. He was actually lost in thoughts caressing his forehead with his hand and staring back at me. He gained his senses when he heard someone laughing loudly behind us. I think I know who is that person behind us. Both of us turned back to find my day laughing off holding his stomach. I just hit my head with my hands before adjusting my hair and making a messy bun. Finally my dad walked towards with a smirk plastered to his face. I introduced both of them to each other and dad invited him inside. I could hear my dad speaking to Richie from the kitchen.

You match her perfectly son, I was worried that I have to find someone for her who can tolerate her with her attitude issues but you are just to perfect. I could hear him chuckle to my fathers comments. Richie looked confused at my dad and was struggling to speak freely to him. Anto don't be confused I know who you are, Ria has told me about you that some monkey brings her lunch and favorites ice creams too. Richie's reactions were priceless, his eyes would just fall out in the shock. Feel free Anto, I am not like the usual father who threatens the guy who loves his daughter, I am just happy that she finally found someone whom she loves. He was grinning like a small kid who was granted permission for having chocolates. I came back to the living room with glasses of water for both of them. Princess please refrain from beating him from now on okay, my dad spoke to me with a warning tone. I just nodded my head with a smile while Richie's reactions was still filled in shock.

I smacked him hardly on his back to bring him back to present after dad left the living room. Stop giving this stupid reaction Richie, you look like a complete fool. Wait did you just call me Richie? I just smiled at his confused and curious expression. Who else is called Richards here other than you? Babe am I getting this correct, you like me as in love me? Monkey suits you more than any other nickname, would I let anything happened outside if I don't love you. What is the actual size of your brain? Before I could continue he pecked my lips and hugged me tightly. He leaned closer to my ears and whispered, Babe I love you now and always, thank you for being mine. He kissed my forehead and headed out after informing dad that he will come again some other time. I could feel my cheeks heating up making me red as tomato. Both of spent the night basking in the happiness of each others confessions...

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