Chapter 53

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Her Mystery:


Even after my continuous pleading, more like begging my goddess never backed down from her plan to go to college today. Her only reply was, 'Ryan I have to go today to take leave after a month'. She was playing that good student role 🤐🤐🤐which she is definitely not. That final wink after she said those sentence gave me no choice but to nod my heads. She was busy painting her lips with her gloss while I was sprawled on our bed just in my sweats. I made weird grumbling sounds to get her attention but she just hummed in response without sparing a glance to my side.

After her final touches she grabbed her belongings and walked towards me. I laid on my side with my hands supporting my head, She slowly ran her fingers inside my hair to untangle the mess before kissing my forehead. Now that's my chance, I pulled into my embrace and buried my face in the crook of her neck to inhale her scents. I slowly nibbled her soft skin making her moan in response. My hands travelled across her sides to hold her hip and position her as close to me as possible. She stretched her neck to the other side giving me more access to my favorite spot, while her hands were grabbing my hair for support.

The continuous beep sound in between us broke us apart. I picked up my phone to answer the call while Pretty adjusted her dress and makeup before walking out of our room. I just brushed my hair once while speaking to my colleague regarding my return to college. After sorting my appearance, I walked out of the room to hear Anto screaming. I rushed downstairs to find Pretty eating while Anto screaming at her for stealing his food. Gosh, I thought I am married to a Doctor!!!

Anto stop screaming, Bro look at your wife she is eating all the Dosa's. I sat next to my wife who had the expression of an innocent child. Mom smacked Anto's head before placing a dosa on his plate. For Christ's sake behave Anto she is your Sister in Law and leaves for college while you are only going to accompany the Sofa. Mom this is too bad, I work at home whenever its necessary. I am just happy that you don't bug me for pocket money for the past three years Anto but I still don't believe that you work at home. Because you always eat, play, chat and sleep.

He just lowered his head and murmured to himself while my Pretty was trying very hard not to laugh at Mom's and Anto's conversation. Once all of us had our breakfast I went to start the car while Anto followed me. Anto I thought mom's on leave today. She is bro, I am coming with you guys to meet my sweetheart. You know I have been doing that almost for past one month, if I don't see her a day I will feel bad the whole day. I just rolled my eyes in response before starting the car. He got in the back seat. We started for pretty's college once she got inside.

Both of them spoke about random topics leading to food. Anto started teasing her that, 'SIL your Appetite is back like before just in a day after my brother arrived'. She was flustered that she coughed off and turned to the other side like the traffic interest her more than the topic going on. Anto being Anto continued to tease her till we reached her college parking lot. Ria and Jay were already waiting for us. Anto jumped out of the car as soon as I stepped on the brakes. He was hugging both Ria and Jay at the same time.

Jay was the first one to come out of Anto's hug to greet us. After a small chat Pretty and Ria waved at us before walking towards the office building. Bro will you be free by 11 AM today to attend the meeting. Sure Jay will meet you at the office, Anto you know the address right. He gave a Yes Sir!!! in reply before we drove back home. Bro, SIL is back and I am really happy. I just nodded at him in response while he continued speaking random things till we reached home.

Once we reached home Anto went to his room while I went searching for mom. She was in her room with a book giving out a serious expression. I sat at the end of her bed finally getting her attention. Addy you guys are back? Yes mom, he went to his room, I thought I will spend some time with you before leaving for work.

I thought you were on off Addy, I am on off for the next two weeks mom officially. She gave a nod asking me to continue, I am going to visit Sanjay's branch here which I will be taking over for the time being. Addy that guys is a real charmer, if only I had a daughter I would have brought up a marriage proposal.

Thank god mom, I don't have a sister. She hit my head playfully before leaving a heavy sigh. After a long time Rosy finally ate well today. For the past month these kids didn't even have a fight for food. Anto sometimes tried sharing his food with her but she just replied that she is full.

Her eyes were either swollen or red Addy. No matter what happens never leave her alone for anything. You raised me mom, I will be at my best behaviour till my last breath to the woman I love and pledged my life to. After some heart to heart talk with mom, I went to my room and called Vishal. If he finds out that I am back before I inform him then I am dead. He acts more sappy than a clingy girlfriend.

Hey bro, are you back why are you calling me from your Indian number? I just rolled my eyes before speaking to him. Breath Vishal, I came back yesterday due to some emergency. Before he enquires about his possible scenario's for my emergency I told him the entire happening which lead to him cursing continuously.

I also told him about Jay and the new company. Bro, Anto didn't even spill a word to me I called him once a week. Pretty was not in a good place man, she lost weight and stopped eating etc. He was 24/7 monitoring her, I came back because things were actually going out of his hands.

After speaking for some more time I disconnected the call to get ready for the first official appearance at my new work place. Once I was ready I came out of my room to find Anto in his office pants and shirt.

Little brother are you coming with me, yup bro after all I am their Web developer and designer. I just shrugged my shoulders at him before walking out of our house...

Finally everything fell back into its original places...

Please excuse me for errors, I had to type the entire chapter in my mobile due to some WiFi issues with my laptop...
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