Chapter 50

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Hello guys,

This chapter will also be in the Narrator's POV just like yesterday. Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter!!!🙏🙏🙏

Narrator's POV:

Ria was as shocked as Rosy after Addy's arrival and came back to her senses only after Anto commented on it. Babe can you stop staring at Addy and SIL like they are animals out of the zoo. Ria glared at Anto and pinched his arms before speaking to him. Richie how come Addy bro is here? Does he know about all these? Where you guys planning behind my back? Anto held her arms tightly to calm her down, giving one glance towards his Brother and SIL hugging each other for the past 5 minutes. He spoke to Ria giving her his best innocent smile 'Addy knows everything after that stupid created a scene, so he packed up earlier than his planned arrival to smack that stupid and no we actually did not plan behind your back'. He took a deep breath before continuing 'Addy asked Jay and me to keep it as a secret for the time being'. Somehow Ria felt convinced after hearing his explanation and smiled at the lovely couple while holding hands with Anto.

Anto and Jay neared the couple and cleared their throats to gain the attention of these love birds. Ryan slowly parted from Pretty with his hand around her waist to hold her as close to him as possible. Jay was the first one to speak, Sis don't tell me you are crying? Rosy just hid herself behind Ryan. Ryan cleared his throat with a smile and spoke to them. Guys I think we have to finish someone before a proper get together. All of them nodded in response while Pretty blinked at everyone, Ryan grabbed her hands in a tight hold just like the day of their marriage. Love, I really have to take care of the person who made you cry for the past 10 days.

Pretty's eyes were wide like saucers, Ryan assured her by squeezing her hands and leaned closer to her ear to speak 'Love, I will never let you down and sorry for letting you alone for the past month'. She just nodded her head and gave him a weak smile. He kissed her forehead and walked along with the others to a separate room arranged for meeting the research team. After reaching there Jay gave a short Introduction about the team in Henderson's India. He introduced Addy once again followed by Rosy & Ria as silent directors for the time being and Anto as their Web portal partner followed by his other staffs.

Narein felt like a stupid after hearing the Introduction, because he got to know that Anto was Rosy's BIL and not her husband. After the introduction, Jay requested to meet the researchers in personal. As soon as he announced that Narein tried to escape but on of Jay's guards caught him at near the door and brought him back inside. While others cleared the room leaving Narein alone with Ryan, Pretty, Jay, Anto and Ria. He never lifted his head, once he heard the door close he gulped heavily.

Before he could raise his head, tough hands held him by his collars. You good for nothing stupid, how dare you accuse my wife? How dare you harass her in front of others? Narein tried his best to free himself from Ryan's hold, for every passing second his hold tightened and Ryan's angry voice echoed throughout the room. Pretty was on the verge of tears while Ria stared at scene with her mouth wide open and guys just smirked at Narein's condition.

Ria was the first one to speak, Bro drop him down he is going pale! He dropped him on the floor only after he felt Pretty hugging him from behind. He hugged her back to calm her down while Ria and Jay spoke to Narein. I warned you Narein repeatedly to stop creating a scene to avoid any consequences in the future but you never really took my threat seriously. Jay pulled him by his collar to make him stand before he spoke, You wanted some respect from me right because you was my senior. He clicked his tongue before speaking again, Narein from exactly a week ago you are under me, Narein gave a confused expression making Anto laugh. Bud explain to him clearly, Sorry my fault Anto bro I forgot that he is slightly not oriented. Mr. Narein from the moment you got the approval for your proposal, you work under Me i.e. Sanjay Henderson CEO of Henderson Groups. Do you know one more thing? Since you have this wonderful proposal I am scouting you personally to my Middle East Branch for the next five years.

Narein had this shocked expression, calm down Narein take a chill pill. Narein was close to fainting, he never signed up for this and he is trapped. Exactly Narein you are trapped because you can't withdraw your proposal or cancel this because once you do that our company will sue with unimaginable amounts of penalty. So better don't think about any of these shortcuts even if you do plan anything, it will not hurt me because I have the best set of legal team working for me.

Narein was filled with anxiety, fear and anger, he glared at Rosy who was safely in the arms of Adrian. Jay I want this stupid out of our lives in just 2 days. As soon as Narein heard what Ryan said, he marched forward to punch Adrian but Addy kicked his shin making him crumble to the ground. Narein screamed in anger attempting to free himself from Jay's guards holding him back. Ryan pulled pretty out of the room first bidding his goodbyes to everyone. Jay turned to his PA who stood at the corner of the room with a terrified look. Take care of him and pack him to his assigned branch within next 2 days. Guards for the next two days until he is out of this country make sure he is always in our radar. Anything unusual report to me immediately.

Narein screamed strings to curses at Ria and Jay making Anto angry, leading to a quiet hard punch landing on his face making him faint. Gosh Richie what have to done? Babe calm down he is just out of energy after his vocal exercises nothing life threatening come lets go home. Jay smirked at him and gave a high five to Anto earning a glare from Ria before leaving the room...

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