Chapter 45

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Anto POV:

Gosh, I was literally stunned seeing that dude oozing out of hotness standing in front of me, Both SIL and my babe seemed like shorty's next to him. He looks like a modernized version of hulk, the suit wrapped around his features like a second skin making his muscled figure more evident. He was approximately 6"3 height with a perfect build, for the first time in my entire life I felt bad for always neglecting gym. I should have listened to Addy, while he told me to go to gym and add some muscles. I slowly walked closer to them, finally that guy created some space between them. SIL introduced both of us to each other, Ann this is Jay my little bro and Ria's BFF, Jay this is Anto my BIL. That tall hulk removed his sunglasses and greeted me with a smile. SIL cleared my biggest doubt. Jay why are you in your official outfit? Sis I had video calls and some work that needs my look you know. She smacked him playfully, while he hid behind my babe. Gosh I am really going to loose all my hair in stress, until I figure out this tall hulk. I could differentiate between his gazes but I could not come into any conclusion.

Jay you can join us right? Sis I will join you guys, my PA will come with my luggage. What the F*ck? he has a PA to bring his luggage, now I really have to focus on finding who this guy is? I murmured to myself before walking towards the parking lot, I felt alone thankfully my sweetheart finally glanced my way and held my hands while walking towards our car. Richie I think you brought that for me, I gave her drink while she merrily sipped on to it for a while. Suddenly my car felt small with him sitting beside me, he was just as built as Addy but still I felt something different in his presence. May be its just my imagination. I let out a heavy sigh before starting the car and they started their chatter. Baby girl, SIL has introduced Anto but you have not introduced your Richie yet. I smirked at my sweetheart through the rear mirror. Jay stop pulling my legs, you just landed here today. Jay just hummed in response and started asking about Addy to SIL.

Once we reached SIL's place, this guy ran out of the car to hug uncle, aunty and Ria's dad waiting for him at the entrance. Ria joined them while I was starring at them in awe. Ann close your mouth, you will dehydrate. SIL... Ann he has filled the absence of a son in both of our families, he is just crazy you would have met him in my wedding itself if not for uncles sudden heath issues back at Singapore. He had to stay back to take over their family business to stabilize the situation. SIL I thought he is a Doctor. He is Ann but he studied Medicine to manage his chain of hospitals in Singapore, he is majoring in Administration and health informatics. He was to take over after 2 years but everything changed 6 months back. I just hummed in response, Ann he is a sweet guy don't get pressurized because of him, actually you guys most probably will become good friends in few days. I just smiled at my SIL's retreating figure, me friends with that tall hulk is a big question mark.

Jay POV:

I think I successfully pissed someone form the moment I landed here. I have been watching him from then, his gaze never left Ria when ever I was around her. He remained stunned without speaking much but never leaving Ria out of his sight. For the first time ever I noticed my baby girl blushing and feeling shy. The moment she walked off with him leaving me and sis behind while walking towards the parking lot, I knew the place he held in her heart. Though he did not act like the jealous type of guy, I could feel him. Though its hurts somewhere in the corner of my heart, I felt happy for Ria. Even uncle seemed fond of him, they had a healthy bond building in between them. I chatted with mom and dad for a while before my PA brought my luggage. Jay where is he going to stay? Pa he will go back to my apartment, which I stayed in during my college days. Dad nodded his head while mom asked me to change into some casuals. Jay change into something soon so we can have breakfast. Jay all of us are hungry son, please make it soon. I just saluted at uncle before walking towards my room.

When I came back, I saw Anto walking in the garden. I walked towards him, to speak. I tapped his shoulders to gain his attention. Hey bro, can I just call you Anto? Hey hu.. Sanjay, you can feel free dude. Baby girl was my first love bro, his reaction was priceless as soon as those words left my mouth. Anto, don't get riled up bro but I never confessed my feelings to her because this family here mattered more to me than my first love. I could feel him breath out heavily to calm himself. Why are you confessing it to me Sanjay? I don't like going in rounds bro, I like your persona and I don't want to start a friendship with lots of doubts in our minds. So I am just making things clear between us, my baby girl has her heart beating only for you so feel free around us and be yourself. He just smiled at me before giving a bro hug. Ann Jay stop grossing me out with your bromance, all of us are starving here so please come inside soon.

Both of us chuckled at Sis's statement before walking inside the house, I felt relived after speaking to him. I could also feel him returning to his normal self. We all had our breakfast with loud chatter and fun, this is one among few things that I miss at my home in Singapore. Its just dad and me, most importantly we rarely have meals on the same time. This place and the people around me now, reminds me of mom, always filled with love and care...

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