Chapter 49

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Hello guys,

Since I have to bring out the thought process of all the characters in this crucial moment I chose to give this chapter in Narrator's POV. I hope I didn't mess up the flow. Please do bare with me for this...🙏🙏🙏

Narrator's POV:

(D-day early morning at the Airport)

Ann screamed on top of his lungs as soon as he saw Addy walking out of the arrival gates in the Airport. They hugged each other before breaking apart. Addy enquired him about the plans for today, bro calm down Jay has everything under control and we have more than four hours for show. Addy smirked at Ann before getting inside the car. Bro we will go to Jays place, so you can freshen up and get. You will join us in the college, since I will have to pick up SIL and my sweetheart. Addy ruffled Anns hair and nodded his head in response with a serious face. Ann dropped Addy in Jays place and drove back home.

(D-day outfit of our Team)

Jay was getting ready in Rosys parents place in his gray suit and printed black tie as classy as ever while going through the events of the day once again to get everything in order as planned. Since its an official appearance as representatives of the company both Ria and Rosy planned for an official outfit to match their profiles. Ria wore a skinny navy blue official pants and white shirt with light make-up and hair styled in a high ponytail. While Rosy wore a tapered navy blue, official pants paired with pink shirt with sleeves folded until her forearms. She wore the bracelet gifted by Ryan, did a light makeup and styled her hair in a high ponytail with a light makeup. Ann also dressed in his official outfit matching his sweetheart. To surprise His goddess Ryan also matched his outfit with his love in a mild pink shirt topped with dark navy blue suit and printed navy blue tie. All of them dressed up to rock their day except our Pretty who thought she was only going there to support his little brother.

(D-day starts!!!😎😉😜)

Narein had an odd feeling from the moment he stepped inside the college campus today. It is the day he gets the official approval certificate for his research from the foreign research company after the MOU signing event. However, something felt odd to him; he suddenly regretted the day he created a scene in front of everybody with Rosy. He is mad at himself for not getting back rosy, from that day, he never met Rosy and adding fuel to the fire so many things happened in sequence wanting him to maintain a low profile for the past 2 weeks. He shrugged his shoulders after few deep breaths to clear his mind and started the day. When it was time for the event to start, most of the invited staffs and department heads started gathering in the convection hall leaving the entire two rows on the right for the team representing the Henderson groups. Since he was one of the researchers, he sat in the second row at the center of the hall. One of his colleague waved his hands and sat next to him rambling about the Henderson Groups achievements. Nareins tensed state was making him restless for every passing minute.

Ann, Ria, Rosy and Jay boarded Jay's Audi's lined in front of Rosy's parents place. Jay, Rosy and Jay's PA boarded the first car while Ria and Ann took the next the car. Ann texted Addy for every 15 minutes about their status on the way to the University. Though Ria felt suspicious of Anto's texting habits and the wicked grin on his face she remained silent. Within next twenty minutes they reached the University lobby, All of them got down in grace with Jay leading the team followed by his PA, Rosy, Ria. Anto and other officials of Henderson Groups waiting for the them.

With elegance flowing for his every step Jay entered the hall followed by others, Narein freezed at the scene unfolding in front of him, after the announcement of the arrival of the delegates he never expected Sanjay, Rosy, Andrea and Rosy's Husband walking through the doors. (🤣🤣🤣)He was stunned more like shocked. He felt like choking on the air, with the help of his colleague he sat back in his seat with the feeling of watching a horror movie playing in front of him.

Narein keenly noticed all of them seated to his right Rosy sat next to Sanjay while most of the department heads walked up to Sanjay to greet him, Ria and Ann had their hands linked as they sat next to Rosy. He felt like pulling his own hair out, How could Rosy digest all these? His thoughts were disturbed when the MC invited the Guest. On behalf of the University we would like to invite all the delegates from Henderson groups and we hold immense pleasure in being the first institute to Sign up with them in India. After some speeches form all our superiors the MC spoke again.

We would like to invite Mr. Sanjay Henderson the CEO of Henderson Groups to share a few words with us on this day. Narein was almost in cold sweats when Sanjay stood up from his seat and made a slight turn towards him with his signature devil smirk before climbing the stage. Narein immediately pulled out his phone to surf about him, exactly as Sanjay uttered 'Hello to everyone' his picture popped in Narein phone listing his recent achievements under the title 'Rising young billionaire with brains and looks'. Narein literally dropped his phone, his colleague picked it up for him giving him a weird expression before turning his head towards the stage.

Jay continued his speech, Henderson Groups are really thankful for the support provided by the University. He commented that, the project proposals of your University was the ones that made us implement the Indian branch within just 2 months of time. Jay said that the company owes a big thanks to all the research teams of the University for their marvellous proposals. Since we are spread out in various locations this branch in India will be under the guidance of my BIL Dr. Adrian Thomas Mathews (For Readers Information Addy is a PhD holder with Masters in Administration too 😉😉😉) . I would like him on the stage next to me due the signing event.

Rosy was just awestruck, thinking about what Jay has been planning to do? Her doubts cleared the moment her Ryan, her mystery walked through the doors into the hall with his hands inside his pant pockets and head held high. She instantly stood up from her seat, while he walked to her and squeezed her hands giving a nod before walking towards the stage. Ria pulled back Rosy to her seat. I am really sorry for the inconvenience, my BIL just got back form USA after a month long business trip, So please excuse his tardiness. The entire hall cheered in response, Ryan hugged Jay and shook hands in front of everyone before they neared the table to sign the MOU.

Jay signed the MOU and passed it on the Ryan. After a series of photographs and answering questions posted by the Reporters both of them got down the stage. Narein felt like a complete fool or more like a trapped rat. He slowly got the picture clear that Anto was not Rosy's husband but the more bulkier figure with close resemblance to him was. He immediately went out of the hall gasping for air.

Ryan got down from the stage and reached his Goddess to find her eyes filled with tears threatening to fall down, He slowly neared her and hugged her tightly. Both of them breathing each others scents to calm them, Rosy to believe that her husband is back while Ryan to control his anger against that stupid who ran out of the hall...❤😍❤

I really hope I didn't mess up the crucial part of the story. Thanks a lot for the support till now... Wait for the next chapter to know about Narein's future 🤣🤣🤣!!!

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