Chapter 39

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Anto POV:

Gods have finally answered my request and she loves me, I was screaming on top my lungs as I drove back home. I called Addy to inform this on the way home but his phone went directly to voicemail, so I screamed my happiness as a voice. This adrenaline rush created made me dumbstruck in front of her, I couldn't believe what I saw or heard. I never thought she would even spend some time to think about be but she has been waiting the whole day for me and she even spoke about me to her dad. I parked my car and ran inside my house to find mom and SIL in the living room sofa. I screamed in joy startling them in the process. Ann stop screaming if you don't want us to beat you pulp. SIL I am the happiest man today, you know why? I asked both mom and SIL for which both of them stared back at me like I grew some horns. Mom, SIL she likes me, no no no... She loves me, Ria babe loves me. I was hugging both mom and SIL. Mom was the first person to react, Anto your tail just grows day by day longer, act like a man who won the woman's heart not like a kid who got chocolates as gifts.

She pinched my arm and wished for happiness in my life before going to her room while SIL smacked my head hardly. Ann, now do you understand who she loves, if only you heard the entire conversation which Jay spoke you could have saved the day. You wasted an entire day worrying about something that was always yours. I just nodded my head with a wide spread grin plastered to my face. SIL you should have given me a hint right if you know about this. She nodded her head sideways before answering, You should receive punishments for leaking my locations to Ryan before our wedding right, I will take this as a payback. Gosh SIL this ones a hefty payback compared to the one I did. she just laughed it off and asked me how Ria tell me that she loves me? I scratched my head before answering, SIL actually I ignored her from the moment I heard the conversation and avoided meeting he in the evenings too. She has been waiting for me the whole day, when she did not receive any text or call she thought I must be busy. She has been waiting for me in college too but I did not have the guts to face her so as soon as you came I rushed from there, she saw us leaving in a hurry too.

She thought that I am never going to come for her again or that I bored of roaming behind her so as soon as I called her she picked up the call. After you cleared my thoughts my first instinct was to see her, so called her telling that I am in front of her house. SIL just like some movie scene she ran towards me with her phone.... Ann you got beatings right, that too a lot 😂😂😂. I was shocked hearing her stating exactly the same. She smirked at my confused expression before answering, Ann she does that always, she hates being ignored actually fears since her mom's death. So uncle takes a lot of care in making his work schedule, even me and Jay too, keep this always in mind to never make her feel lonely. I nodded my head faster before telling her the rest of the story that happened in Ria babe's house. Finally, I told her that she calls me Richie, Ann I know that already she has been calling you like that for about a week to me.

Ann I felt like she was speaking about someone else, SIL stop teasing my girl, its just she takes time to act on her emotions. She nodded her heads and smiled at me before going to her room, I locked up the front door and terrace before going to my room. I pulled off my sweatshirt and laid on my bed before calling her. She picked up the call and scolded me for not informing her as soon as I reached home. I just laughed in response, I felt peace and joy wanting to burst out of me. Although she was scolding me, I only felt her emotion filled voice. She has never spoke to me more that yes or no for the past two months, now she speaks so fluently. Babe, I think Its enough of scolding for today, she chuckled at my comment and asked if I had my dinner. That's when I heard the grumbling sound of my stomach, OMG I have been starving from noon babe. Richie are you in your senses?..... She continued her scolding, when she asked for the reason, I just told that I had work and fell asleep later.

Ria seems like an upgraded version of mom with some Addy, I told her that I will eat something before going to bed and went downstairs to find some food. Thanks to mom and SIL they have already placed my food in the oven with a sticky note attached to the jar on the dining table. Ann I hope you gain a lots of weight after eating and become like a Santa!!! 🎅🎅🎅 She is really selfish, she want her BFF to have a fat husband while she has a muscle man. I clicked my tongue making sounds before opening the oven to find Lasagne loaded with cheese. Gosh, the sight itself makes my mouth water, I took the bowl out and scooped some into my mouth. The cheese just melts into my mouth, god if she personally makes me these kind of delicacies, I will definitely become like a Santa before Christmas. I took a picture of the empty bowl along with the sticky note and sent it to Ria babe telling her that her BFF spoiled my diet.

She texted me back immediately, as far as I heard you gobble everything that is edible Richie, so quit this act... Gosh this SIL is working as a double agent, this is really bad for my future. The first work tomorrow is to ask, to whom she is going to pledge her loyalty to, is it me or her BFF. Ria sent a Good night message with a heart ❤before going to bed. I replied her with an I love You text before going to bed. This day exhausted me and energised me at the same time making me fall asleep with a smile plastered to my face and her face in my dreams...

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