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Evan's POV

"Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be good day and here's why. Because today..."

I pause.

"Because today is the opening night of the school musical. Of course, you didn't have the balls to audition. You just went in, walked onto the stage and then ran out crying like a pathetic little-"

No. I can't write that. Ugh. Let's try this again.

"Today you get to go see the school musical. That should be a fun, right? You listened to the soundtrack on loop for weeks when you first discovered it, so it'll be great. And you don't have gym today so you don't have to worry about your hands sweating a lot. And then your hands won't get even more sweaty cause you're worrying about your hands being sweaty which makes them even sweatier. And you won't let the basketball slip through your sweaty hands and hit you in the face in front of the whole class. Anyway, yeah, you don't have to worry about any of that. Yay...

Sincerely, Me"

I stuff my letter into my backpack along with my binder and science notes and zip it up. I walk over to my closet and pick out a striped light blue polo shirt and a pair of khakis. 

I struggle a little bit with the buttons at the top of my shirt, like I always do. Though it has been getting a bit easier recently. I sigh as I see the reflection of my blank cast in the mirror. Still no one has signed it. I mean why would anyone sign it? The only friend I have isn't even a real friend. He's just a "family friend" and apparently there's a big difference.  

"Honey! I'm heading out!" Mom calls from downstairs. "There's money for dinner on the counter, don't be late for school!"

"I-I won't!" I call back.

I grab my backpack and head down to the kitchen. I pack a sunbutter sandwich for lunch like I do every day. Very original, I know. But I mean at least it's one thing I can just keep in control and keep in a routine even if it's something small, you know? 

A loud car honk interrupts my train of thought. I look out the window to see Jared's silver Honda parked in front of the house. He drives me to school every day so that his parents pay for his car insurance.

I quickly put my lunch bag in my backpack, and throw one strap over my shoulder.

As I try to rush out the door, my loose strap gets caught on the door handle. It pulls me back and knocks the wind out of me a little.

See this is why you always wear both straps, idiot. 

I unhook the strap from the handle and make my way down the driveway. 

God this is so awkward, he's just sitting there waiting for you, walk faster. 

I speed walk the rest of the way and finally make it to the car door. I sit down in the passenger seat, and click in my seat belt. 

"Hey Acorn," Jared greets.

"H-hey J-Jare Bear" I reply. 

I see him tense up.

What the hell was that? Why would you call him that?

He gives me a look.

"I-I'm s-so sorry. I do-don't know w-what that w-was," I sputter.

"Geez Evan, w-why are you so awkward?" 

I don't know maybe cause I have anxiety or something. Or I'm just a fucking loser who can't do anything right but probably a mix of the two.

I stay silent. I don't really know to reply. 

After what seems like an eternity of awkward silence, I feel the need to break it. 

What can I say? What can I say?

"Um, a-are you g-going to-to the show t-tonight?" I inquire.

"You mean the school musical? No way that's lame. Just a bunch of gays prancing around on a stage," he responds.

"W-well um I l-like mu-musical theatre a-and I'm n-not gay."

He looks at me for a second. Then he bursts out laughing. 

What's so funny? I don't get it.

"Ok, Evan. Yeah you're right, you're so straight. Straight as my dead gay son."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

He just chuckles.

Jared can be really weird sometimes

~ Time Skip ~ 

I look around and find my seat in the auditorium. There are so many people.

The school is performing Heathers this year. I wouldn't expect a high school to perform it just because it's sort of... um... not very PG-13. I mean I admire anyone who has the confidence to perform anything at all, but with a character like Veronica or JD? I could never. And well, I literally couldn't even get through auditions, so obviously I couldn't.

The lights suddenly go out, and the auditorium is completely dark except for a couple stage lights. The curtains open and the music begins. A spotlight appears on a girl in centre stage. 

"September 1st, 1989," the girl starts. I recognise her from my English class.   

I love this song, so I sort of sing along in my head, subconsciously mouthing the lyrics. 

A few scenes go by, and I watch intently. Everyone in the cast is so talented. Well... for a high school production. And I suppose the blocking is kind of.... all over the place. But it's still amazing. 

The music for Candy Store ends and the lights focus on JD. 

Wait... Is that...? 

I take a sudden breath, and mentally gasp.

 It's him. 

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now