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~ Flashback ~ Connor's POV 

"GO TO HELL!" I yelled at my dad. It pains me to even call him that.

I stormed out through the front entrance, slamming the door behind me.  I just needed to get out. Out of that goddamned house. 

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. The only place I wanted to get was as far away as possible. I just kept moving forward. 

I sped up my footsteps until I was sprinting at full speed. I needed to get rid of that energy, that rage.

I ran until my legs couldn't take it any more. I slowed my pace and caught my breath. My mind was beginning to clear itself. 

I looked around and realised that I had ran all the way to the orchard. I hadn't been there since I was a little kid. 

Even after all those years, it was still so familiar. 

I came upon an open field that was framed with trees. The same one my family used to have picnics in. Of course, that was before life went to shit. It was when we were just a happy, perfect little family. 

When Zoe and I were young and we would chase each other around the trees, free of any worries. Free of any problems or fear or... reality.  

But then we grew up and discovered the real world. Our living hell. 

I was feeling worthless, and broken. Like I didn't matter. Like nobody would care if I just disappeared...

I was about to turn around and head back to the street when I saw movement in my peripheral vision. 

I turned my head in the direction of the sounds. There was a boy up in one of the tallest trees in the orchard. He was standing on a branch near the top of the tree, gripping onto a thin branch above his head. He was looking down at the ground. 

The boy brought a hand up and swiped it across his face.  

Then he fell.

I froze as I saw him hurdling towards the ground. 

Oh fuck.

As soon as he hit the ground, my muscles tensed. I raced towards him as fast I possibly could. My feet dug into the soil with each stride.  

When I got to him I shot down to his side. 

"Holy shit. Holy shit," I said, panicking. 

What do I do? Oh god.

He had visibly been crying, with some tears still welling in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked the boy. 

He slowly turned his head and looked up at me. 

Okay, he's alive. He's not dead. It's ok. But he's obviously injured. 

He seemed a little out of it, like he wasn't sure if what he was seeing was real. 

"Can you hear me?"

He nodded.

Ok. Oh god. What do I do? You have to do something. Do something. 

I tried to control my breathing.

You panicking is not helping. Calm down.

I filled my lungs with air. 

Ok, he needs to get to a hospital.  

"I'm calling an ambulance. It's gonna be okay"

It is. It's going to be okay. 

I pulled out my phone and dialled 911. When a voice spoke on the other end of the line, I gave them our location and explained what had happened. All that was left to do was wait.

My hand found its way under the boy's head, lifting it slightly to hover over the ground. 

The way he was looking at me, it was like he was staring deep into my soul. Well more like the void where my soul would be but still. 

Looking into his beautiful brown eyes, I got this strange feeling.

My heart was racing.

For a moment, I lost myself in his gaze. There was this connection that I didn't want to break. 

A flashing red light in the corner of my eye brought me back to reality. Two paramedics stepped out of the ambulance carrying a stretcher. 

"You'll be alright," I assured him.  


After the boy's broken arm was put into a cast, the nurse had stepped out of the room and the two of us were left alone. 

"So, I never actually asked you for your name," I said, breaking the ice.

"Um. M-My name i-is Evan. H-Hansen. Well technically my name is Mark and Evan is just my middle name but my mom wanted to name me Evan so everybody just calls me by my middle name," he rambled. 

I let out an awkward laugh. 

He's so cute.

"I'm Connor. Connor Murphy."

"Th-thanks," he said. "F-for h-h-helping me I m-mean."

"No problem. I mean I'd kind of be a dick if I didn't," I laughed.

Evan chuckled nervously.

There was a pause. 

Then a dark thought entered my mind. I felt my face fall.

"Evan..." I said softly. "When I found you, you looked like you were crying, and..." My voice trailed off.

No. It's not like that.  But what if...

"Did you fall or did you let go?"

He stared at me as his face reddened. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Oh no. 

A tear rolled down his cheek. 


The flood barrier broke. Tears were streaming out of Evan's beautiful brown eyes.

I moved closer to him taking him into an embrace. I laid my hand on the back of his head as he sobbed against my shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist and I rested my head on top of his.

We were just two strangers entangled together. Raw, emotional, and vulnerable. It felt like we could stay that way for forever. 

A/N ~ I rewrote a bit of chapter 2 because I realised I wrote the plot wrong whoops

Sincerely, Me

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