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Connor's POV

I burst through the hospital doors and run up to the front desk.

"Where can I find Evan Hansen?" I ask, frantically. 

"Evan Hansen... let me check. One moment please."

He can't go any faster?? 

"He is in room 421," the receptionist finally responds.

Damn, so close.

Now is not the time for weed jokes. Focus on Evan.

I follow the signs, sprinting through the hallways. 

418, 419, 420...


Here it is.

"Evan! Evan thank god you're okay."

Without thinking twice, I run up to his bed and squeeze him as tight as I can.

He's here. It's okay.

I hear a soft, restrained voice squeaking out, "C-Connor, y-you're.. crushing... me."

"Oh shit. Sorry." I let go. 

His cheeks are flushed red. 


He goes all deer in the headlights, shocked at the sudden change in tone. "I-I-I-"

Oh no that was too harsh he's gonna cry. I don't want to make my baby cry.

Wait did I just call him- you know what we're gonna just ignore that, there are more important things to worry about right now. 

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that I just don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't want anyone hurting you, Ev."

He blushes a deep shade of pink. 

Damn, when is this boy not cute? 

"I'm s-sorry Connor," he says softly.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have been there for you."

"I-It's not your f-fault. I'm the-the only one to b-blame. I-I'm so stupid."

Is this bitch trying to fight me?

"No Evan, you're not stupid. You're incredibly smart and caring and sweet and just the best human being I could ever imagine."

He giggles. 


"Th-thanks Connor. You're n-not so b-bad yourself," he says trying to keep a straight face.

I shove his arm playfully, then my hand falls down onto his.

We both glance down, and Evan gets flustered. 

I gently bring his hand into mine. He looks up at me. 

A smile spreads across his face.


Uh. Not like I'm in love with him. It's too early for that. I mean we've only been on one date, right? 

Huh. It feels like we're so much closer than that. And I think we might be. I just really fucking hope he feels the same way. I guess there's one way to find out...



Am I really going to do this? Okay heere we go. 

"Can I kiss you?"

I see him tense up for a moment. He blinks. 

Shit. Shit. 

Evan takes his hand away from mine. 

Way to go Murphy, you just had to fuck it up didn't you?

Then I feel his hand move up to cup my cheek. He pulls me closer. 

Then he hesitates, looking up at me for confirmation.

In response, I close the distance between us. 

My lips are on his. 

And I'm kissing Evan Hansen.

A/N ~ That went quickly but I felt like because of what happened when they met, how they already developed that kind of bond (beYoND yOuR aVerAgE kiND oF bOnD) I felt like it could make sense. So yeah hope you enjoyed! 

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now