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Evan's POV

Connor came to visit me yesterday by surprise. 

He's so fucking hot and cute at the same time and I don't even know how to describe it but he's just incredible in every way. And he called me beautiful. It gave me butterflies in my stomach. 

But to be honest, I'm a little scared of the whole "being in a relationship" thing. I mean I really really like Connor and I want to be with him and hug him and kiss him and talk for hours like we did yesterday but what happens when it all ends? It always has to end sometime. Eventually he's going to get sick of me or I'll do something that makes him hate me and he'll break up with me. 

I suppose that's a pretty fitting way to say it. Cause that's what's going to happen. He'll break up with me and I'll be left broken. On the ground. With no one there to save me this time.

I remember that day again. That day when he found me. I was at my worst and he still ended up liking me. I don't understand that. 

How could he possibly have liked me after seeing me like that?

My train of thought is interrupted by a voice. Jared's voice.

"Hey Acorn. How ya doing?"

"Um, I-I'm good. Y-You?" 

"I am insanely cool, thanks for asking," he responds. "So do you know when you're coming back to school?" 

"Well, uh, m-my mom said I'm g-getting discharged on Th-Thursday. B-but she said I should p-pr-probably wait a-a bit before I, um, go back to s-school," I explain.

"Oh that's actually pretty soon. You excited for the party?"

Oh yeah. I forgot about that. 

"Um, I-I don't know if I sh-should be going t-to a party if I-I'm not allowed to g-go to school yet," I say picking at my cast. 

"Come on Acorn, it'll be fun. And there will be a lot less people than there would be at school. And it's all people you know. I'll be there with you, remember?"

I guess that makes sense. And having Jared there will make it more comfortable, but-

"Plus if you didn't come, you'd be leaving me all alone. All by myself. With none of my other friends." He dramatically slaps his hand against his chest as if his heart has been shattered. 

"O-Ok fine. I-I'll go." 

"Good," he says with a smile. 

"B-but I h-hope you know that I kn-know that you have no o-other friends."

Jared gasps, offended. 

I roll my eyes and chuckle quietly.

I'm really glad I have Jared. He might be a dick sometimes, but I don't know what I would have done without him. 

I suppose now I have Connor, but Jared will always be my best friend. 

Unless he gets tired of you and realizes you're too much of a burden so he leaves you behind. 

But until then, we'll always be best friends. 

A/N ~ This was kind of just a filler chapter but there's going to be much exciting things in the next chapter cause it's going to be the partayyy! So I wanted to ask you guys what you wanted to see. 

First, who's point of view would you want it in?

I was thinking of having them play a party game so would you guys prefer paranoia, truth or dare, or something else? I'm open to any other suggestions, I just thought those two would be sPiCy haha and they would allow secrets to be revealed. *suspenseful music*

And lastly, any other requests for the party chapter(s)? 

I'll write it as soon as I can once we get a couple responses!

Stay gay everybody!

Sincerely, Me

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now