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Connor's POV

Oh my god, does this Alana girl ever shut up? How does Zoe even like her? 

I'm really happy for my sister finding someone she really likes but just... how?

She got here 20 minutes early and hasn't closed her mouth since. I already can't take it anymore, especially without Evan. 

I walk away into the kitchen to escape the endless rambling of my sister's crush. Though I can still hear her talking about her grandma slipping in the bathroom and breaking her hip from the here. 

Who the fuck cares?

I grab a big bag of popcorn from the cupboard and set it on the dining table. I open the fridge to get out the drinks. 

My mom just got us a couple bottles of soda and juice, but I think Larry forgot to lock the liquor cabinet. 

Maybe later we can have some big fun.

As I'm reaching for the pop, I hear the doorbell ring. 

Ooo that must be Evan! Finally! 

Zoe opens the door before I get the chance. "Hey guys," she greets. 

"Hey losers," Jared responds.

Ugh. Of course they came together. 

"H-Hi," Evan says nervously. He fiddles with the hem of his shirt.

He's so cuuute.

"Come in!" Zoe says cheerfully, "Welcome to el casa di Murphys." 

Wow she really can't speak spanish.

"Actually, it would be la casa de los Murphys," Alana corrects. 

Zoe laughs. "How are you so smart?" 

I set down the drinks and join everyone in the living room.

Evan's face lights up when he sees me. 

Awwww my heart

"Hey Ev," I say walking over to give him a kiss on his forehead. 

He blushes. "H-Hey Connor."

"Aww look at you two," Zoe teases.

"Shut up," I say with a smirk.

"So, what do you losers or geeks or whatever wanna do?" Jared interrupts.

Is this dude really trying to act like he's cool or something? Kind of pathetic.

"Ooo let's play a game!" Zoe says wiggling her eyebrows.

"What kind of game?" I ask.

"Umm how about truth or dare?"

I suppose that could be fun.

Everyone mutters some sort of agreement. 

Before we begin, we grab our snacks and drinks.

I debate whether or not I should raid the liquor cabinet, but I decide against it for now. 

With our popcorn, chips, soda, and cups, we sit down in a circle on the floor. 

I sit next to Evan, with Jared on his other side. Zoe's on my right, and Alana is across from me. 

"Who wants to go first?" Alana asks.

"I'll start!" Zoe volunteers. "Truth or dare, Alana?"


"Do you have a crush on anyone right now?"

This kind of feels like 6th grade... Ew. 

That's a horrid memory to bring back. 

"Um... Yes I do," Alana responds. 

I can see Zoe's eyes widen with excitement. She smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"My turn," Alana announces. "Truth or dare, Evan?"

"M-Me? Uh... T-Truth," he stutters.

"Have you ever cheated on a test?"

"Oh my god you guys are so boring. Literally everyone has cheated on a test!" Jared complains.

"I most certainly have not," Alana argues. "That is against the rules and it is immoral."

"Um, I-I t-technically have. I l-let Jared copy o-off of m-me once," Evan confesses.

"Ev, you're so innocent!" I tease.

Evan whispers underneath his breath and I can't be sure if I heard him correctly.

Did he just say "You'd be surprised"????? I think that's what he said holy shit. Ahahahaha wait- 

Did he mean what I think he meant? Or...

He could mean a lot of different things but I cant ask cause I don't think anyone was supposed to hear that. 


Well I suppose I'll just have to find out eventually.

A/N ~ Hehehehe fun. Hope you guys liked this! Thank you so much to @AmIBrokenAmIFlawed for voting and commenting!

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