
146 5 34

Evans POV

Zoe leads Jared and I into a closet upstairs.

"Have funnn," Zoe says, closing the door behind us.

The closet is quite small for two people, so we are only a foot apart. 

I squish myself as far back as a can and stare at the floor hoping it won't be awkward.

Like I said, we're just talking so it's fine.

Except we aren't talking. Jared isn't saying anything.

The silence is awkward.

7 minutes is so long. 

We have to say something eventually. 

Say something Jared please. 

"I guess this party isn't as bad as I thought," Jared finally voices.

Thank god.

"Y-yeah," I respond.

"Are you, uh, doing okay?" he asks.

Well my anxiety wasn't as bad as I expected it would be... until now.

"Y-yep, I-I'm great."

"Cool cool."

The awkward tension is cutting through me like a sword. 

Aaaaah help help help. 

I can see Jared is starting to sweat which is weird cause usually he doesn't really get nervous.

Maybe it's just hot in here.

You're gonna have to say something. You can't stay silent for 6 more minutes of this.

Say something. 


"S-so, uh... wh-what's up?"

You sound so stupid.

"Nothing  much. Just stuck in a closet." He chuckles. "I guess we both know what that feels like already."

"Wh-what?" I don't get it. 

"We're gay, acorn."

Oh. That was obvious, geez you're such an idiot.

I notice that Jared's cheeks are turning pinkish.

Is it really that hot?

"Actually, Evan, there's something I wanted to tell you," he says.

Uh oh. Oh no no no. What could it be? Did I do something wrong? Fuck just hurry up and say it Jared. 

"I like you."


I exhale.

Why was that such a big deal? He's said that we're friends before and so I kind of already assumed that he didn't hate me.

"I-I know," I stutter.

"You do?" Jared's eyes widen.

"Y-yeah well, um, y-you said th-that we aren't j-just family friends, and n-now we're actual f-friends so i-it wouldn't make a lot of-of sense if you d-didn't even l-like me." 

Jared lets out a breath.

"No, Evan. I mean I like like you. And I have for a while but I never said anything cause I was just being a pussy. And I know you're with Connor now so if you're happy with him then... Good For You.


I blink slowly, trying to process what I think I just heard.

"I know there's a zero chance that any one as good as you could ever like anyone as shitty as me but I had to tell you anyway," he explains.

But... he's always making fun of me and being weird around me. How could he like me? Why would he like me?


I don't know what to say.

My heart is pounding against my chest.

Jared looks at me, searching for an answer.

He lets out a sigh of frustration.

"I knew I shouldn't have said that. Shit. I can't believe I just said that now I just ruined everything. It could never have made a difference anyway. That was just so stupid of me. Fuck!" Jared rambles.

His voice cracks, and I could hear a bit of a whine in his voice.

His eyes begin to glisten.

Wait no. Is he about to cry? Oh god. I don't want him to cry because of me. No no no. I wish there was something I could do to stop it. I don't want him to hurt. I have to do something to make him feel better, anything. 

I try to speak but no words come out. 

I search my mind for anything I could possibly do, but my mind is blank.

I need to stop him from hurting.

That is the only single thought running through my head.

My body takes over.

It moves closer to Jared. My hand sets itself on his shoulder.

My face moves towards his.

I feel his breath on my face.

My eyes close. 

My lips press against his. 

And he kisses me back.

A/N ~ ... Um, I'm sorry for you all. 

Thanks to everyone who's been voting and commenting!

Stay gay!

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now