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Connor's POV

Ugh. Light. 

I shield my eyes from the brightness and take in my surroundings. 

I must have accidentally fallen asleep because when I wake up, I'm still in Evan's room at the hospital. 

We were up late last night talking  for hours.

I turn my head over and see Evan's beautiful face on the pillow next to me. 


I startle myself and roll off the side of the bed, hitting the floor with a thump. 


I lay on the floor for a little while because really, what's the point in getting up?

It's Tuesday, dumbass, you have school.

Oh. Right. Living hell.

School is actually kind of worse than hell cause you don't even get to meet the devil. 

Anyway, Evan isn't up yet so I decide to sneak out and go to school. My mom would probably get mad if I didn't so whatever I might as well just go. 

I give Evan one last glace before closing the door behind me. 

Can you believe that adorable treeboi is yours?  

~ Time Skip ~

 History class. How fun. 

"blah blah blah Henry the 8th blah blah blah beheaded," the teacher recites in a monotone voice.

This is so boring I couldn't even focus if I wanted to. 

"Wow this is riveting," I hear a voice say with the utmost sarcasm. 

I look up to see "The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman" chuckle at his own joke. He seriously calls himself that.

"Truly," I respond.

God, what level of boredom have I reached that I actually sort of want to talk to this dipshit.

"So you heard about Evan right?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"Yeah I went to visit him earlier," Jared responds.

"Oh. Same."

"You did? Uh, what did you guys talk about?" he questions.

"A lot of things, I was there all night actually."

"All night? Interesting," he says through gritted teeth, furrowing eyebrows. 

Does this kid have a problem? 

I continue. "He said his mom is trying to get him out of the hospital sooner cause all the nurses and people running around is giving him more anxiety and he might recover better at home."

"So that means he might be able to come to that lame party you're having?"

"Yeah I guess. If he feels okay."

Jared is sort of grimacing at me.

What's with all the bad vibes? You know I'm starting to really not like this guy.

"Speaking of the party, you weren't invited. What makes you think you can just tag along?" I fire at him. 

"Evan wanted me to come," he defends.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I know him better than you do. Evan and I have been friends for forever and now you barge in thinking you're better than me."

That's cause I fucking am, asshole.

I'm about to end this man's whole career, when the teacher clears her throat loudly. 

"Kleinman! Murphy! Come see me before lunch. You're disrupting my class," he scolds sternly. 


A/N ~ Sorry this took me so long, writer's block is a biTcH. More fluff is coming soon ish I promise

Also thank you so much @falling-in-a-forest for voting on my story. And for commenting 31 times hahaha I love reading those. Go check out their account for kleinsen content, their one-shots are so freaking good! 

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now