
165 7 38

Connor's POV

Shit shit shit fuck.

I did not just say that. 

Now Evan's gonna be freaked out and want nothing to do with me.

"Fuck," I let out. "I'm so sorry Evan I didn't mean to say that. Please don't freak out-"

"Y-You l-love me?" 

He looks up at me. 

I can't cover it up now I might as well just say it.

"Yes," I say sheepishly. "I didn't mean for it to come out but... I love you, Evan. Please don't freak out."

"I-I-I love you t-too Connor."

I freeze.

He loves me? 

Someone really truly loves me?

And Evan of all people. The kind, sweet, adorable, Evan Hansen loves me.

I take a step closer to him

His eyes shift up at me before he looks away, staring at the floor. He fiddles with his hands, his cheeks a flaming rouge. 

I place my hand under his chin and lightly lift it toward me. 

His eyes meet mine. 

Our faces inch closer together until our lips touch. 

We really love each other. 

His lips are soft and warm.

I pull closer two him, one hand on his cheek, the other around his waist. 

"Okay, get a room!" Jared whines. 

We release each other and laugh softly. 

Evan has a gleaming grin spread across his face.

"Awww," Zoe and Alana gush simultaneously. 

"Look at you two."

"Hey, what time is it?" Jared asks.


"Summer time!"

"Itttt's showtime!"

  "It is currently 8:26PM."

Our voices overlap in response.

Jared blinks at us. "Ok you guys are weird. Anywho... I gotta head out soon so let's play the game. My turn."


Evan and I sit back down in the circle, this time sitting closer together with our hands intertwined.

"My turn," Jared says. "Zoe, truth or dare?"

"Umm, truth."

"Ok, what's the farthest you've gone with a girl?"

"Uhh..." Zoe clears her throat. "Well I've never actually even kissed a girl. Yet."

I see Alana's eyes light up. "Are you implying that you would want to kiss a girl?"

Zoe gets flustered. "Um, well yeah. I'm bi. And there's actually this girl that I like right now so, you know, I might want to kiss her..."

Oh my god they're so oblivious. 

"Ok my turn! Evan truth or dare?" Zoe asks.

"Oh um. I-I'll try a-a dare." 

"Oo yay. Uhh... I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Jared." She laughs mischievously. 


"Zoe what the fuck!" 

"It's payback for that disgusting banana thing," she gags. "Plus, they don't have to do anything it's just for fun."

"I'd be down for that," Jared smirks.

That smug son of a bitch.

"Absolutely fucking not!" I yell.

"Calm down man, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that he's my fucking boyfriend!" I respond.

"C-Connor. I-It's ok." Evan tries to calm me down. He strokes my arm. "Jared a-and I are j-just friends, we-we'll just g-go and t-talk."

I take a deep breath. 

"D-don't you t-trust me?" he gives me his puppy eyes. 

Fuck. I do trust him, it's just the son of a bitch I don't trust. But I can't say no now. 

"Fine. Just talking is... fine," I say through gritted teeth.

I watch as Zoe leads them upstairs and sets a timer. 

That asshole better not even think about touching my Ev. Or I will go all JD on his ass!

A/N ~ I'm hoping you guys will get the "what time is it" references haha. In case you didn't, they're references to Hamilton, High School Musical, and Beetlejuice. The last one was just Alana giving the exact time lol. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Stay gay everybody!

Sincerely, Me

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now