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Evan's POV

Oh god. Fuck fuck fuck. What do I do?? Connor was asking me on a date!  How could I be so stupid? 

My mind races. 

Now you're gonna have to tell him that you just thought you were friends and he's gonna be crushed and- 

Wait. If Connor actually asked me on a date... does that mean he likes me?

My heart is beating out of my chest. 

Why would Connor like me? The first time we met I was a pathetic mess. I was just broken on the ground when he found me. I'm such a loser, what could he possibly like about me?  I'm not funny or interesting I'm just awkward and anxious and I'm just a burden to everyone. 

"Evan? Are you okay?" Connor interrupts my thoughts. 

I realise that I had been silent for several minutes, beads of sweat were rolling down my face, and my face was burning red. 

"Um, I-I-"

What do I tell him? I can't just say something like "well my stupid ass didn't know this was a date and I don't actually like you whoops my bad."  That would be really hecking rude. But well... I mean... maybe I do kind of sort of like him?

Wait. Holy shit do I like Connor Murphy? 

No no no I'm not gay. Remember?  The whole liking girls thing?  

Yeah I definitely do like girls. But... there's this weird feeling in my stomach when I'm around Connor. I kind of thought  it was just kidney failure or appendicitis. But now I'm thinking... 

What if I do like him? I mean he's funny and really nice to me and he has stunning blue eyes with that perfect brown streak and he has gorgeous hair and his lips look so soft- 

Yep yeah I definitely like him. I can like girls and guys right?

God you're such a freak. You can't even pick a side. 

Well you know what it doesn't matter because I think I kind of really do like Connor. And if he wanted to go on a date with me, that means... he likes me back. 


Oh shit right we're on a date.

Connor is staring at me with a concerned look on his face. 


"Y-yeah  sorry I-I um... I'm good."

He looks at me cautiously. 

"R-really I'm f-fine. S-sorry I j-just um, y-yeah, I would l-love a second d-d-date " 

His expression softens and he goes back to eating his ice cream. 

I can't help but smile at him. 

God he's beautiful

And for once I actually meant it when I said that I'm good. I'm really really good. 

A/N ~ I hope you liked this chapter! I finally planned out what I want to happen in the book and I know I'm gonna really enjoy writing the next few chapters so I'll be writing a lot more. Maybe even more today! Also does anyone have any suggestions for usernames that Alana, Zoe, and Jared would use? Let me know!

Sincerely, Me

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now