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Connor's POV

Detention. Again. 

At least this time it wasn't my fault. It was Jared fucking Kleinman. 

God, I hate him. And I'm starting to think he might be a little too close to Evan. He's always super overprotective of him and acts like I'm some kind of threat. 

As if I would ever hurt Evan. And if he's worried about me stealing Evan away from him, maybe he should be. I don't like my boyfriend hanging out with someone like that. 

But then again, they have been friends for forever and Evan really likes hanging out with him and I know I should just want Evan to be happy. 

Ugh couldn't he have been happy with anyone else though? 


Actually, I really want to go see Evan again. 

I think I kind of... miss him. 

I know, I know, THE Connor Murphy has feelings? And is showing affection for another human being? What a historical occurrence. 

Well believe it or not I actually really like Evan. Like... really really like him. Guess I'm not COMPLETELY dead inside. 

He's just so adorable and pure and incredible. I just want to hold him and never let go. 

That's it, I have to go see him.

After school, I drive down to the hospital to visit my boyfriend. 

I love calling him that. I love that I can call Evan Hansen my boyfriend. Hehe.

I walk down the now familiar corridors, speeding up my pace as I get closer to Evan's room. 

I arrive at room 421, and peek my head into the door. There he is, reading a book with an intent look on his face. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed and his lips are in a bit of a pout. 

He looks so precious.

A smile spreads across my face.

I take a step into the room and lean on the door frame, admiring my little blonde boy.

"Hey beautiful," I say grinning like a fool.

He flinches, and looks up. His eyes immediately brighten up as he smiles. His cheeks flush a rosy pink. 

So damn cute!

He glances at the floor, then back up. "H-hey h-handsome."

Aaaah! He called me handsome. This is too much to handle. 

I can't keep my hands off of him for a second longer. 

I make my way over to his bed. One of my hands wraps around his waist, the other cupping his cheek. I pull him slightly towards me, as he leans in. 

We connect lips and for a moment, nothing else in the world matters. It's only us. 

I pull him even closer to me, desperate to close any gap between us. 

I don't want to ever let go.

But unfortunately humans need oxygen to live or something, so I pull away for air. 

Evan giggles. He's blushing even more now. 

"I missed you," I say.

"It's b-been less th-than a day since y-you last saw m-me," he reasons.

 "That's too long."

Geez, since when was I so clingy? I don't know if I like what this boy does to me.

He giggles again. "A-Actually, I missed you t-too."

My heart flutters. 

I don't know how to explain it but I just can't control my emotions when I'm around Evan. I used to just always keep to myself and not really express anything but anger but I don't know, he just brings out a different side of me. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. All I know is that there isn't anything I wouldn't do to be with him. 

Ever since that one single date we've gone on, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. And I don't want to. He is everything. I just love him s-

Ah fuck. I love him. 

A/N ~ So I finally got a new charger and I can write now (Yay!) I'm kind of busy cause I'm doing a course thing all day every day this week and I'm also in a virtual musical so there's a lot going on with that. But I'm still going to try to write as much as I can, and worst case scenario I'll just write more after this weekend. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! I thought y'all could use a little fluff after all the angst haha. 

Sincerely, Me


I went to Hot Topic last weekend and got a bunch of pride stuff that I'm super excited about! The thing is, I'm only out to my sister, not my parents. So I can't really wear it yet lol. But I'll be able to wear it eventually. Anyway, stay gay everybody!

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now