
270 11 44

Evan's POV

It's Saturday, so that means I'm hanging out with Connor today. I'm really excited cause I kind of really like Connor. He's nice and funny and really cute...

Wait what no I meant cool, he's really cool. Yeah not cute  cause I'm not gay. I like girls. I mean we're close, I think, kind of, but not that way. Yeah... not...that way.

An image flashes into my mind. I quickly shake it away. 

I look at the clock on my wall and see it's already 1:00.

I should probably start getting ready because I only have two hours until Connor comes. 

No it's too early. 

Well.... What if he comes early? Or what if you have a wardrobe malfunction. Or if you can't find your phone or something. Wait where's my phone? Oh it's in my hand, right. You know what, just start getting ready, it's fine.

I stand up from my bed and walk over to my closet. I stare at the clothes on my shelves. What do you wear to go out with a friend? I never really go out with friends cause well I don't really have any. And since Jared is a family friend we don't go out in public together, he usually just comes over to my place. Sometimes I'll go over to his place too. But it's not like out out so yeah I don't really know what to wear for that. 

I finally pick out my usual blue polo shirt. Well I actually have like 7 blue polo shirts but I pick my favourite one. Instead of my regular khakis though, I take out a pair of black skinny jeans. 

Once I'm dressed, I take a glance at the clock again. 1:53?? How did I take so long to get dressed?

See this is what I was talking about.

I continue getting ready, and before I know it, I hear the doorbell ring.

I skip down the stairs and open the door. Connor stands on the other side wearing a black oversized hoodie and ripped black jeans. He has one hand in his hoodie pocket, and I notice on the other hand that he is wearing black nail polish. It looks really good on him. His hair is hanging slightly in front of his face. I admire his dark brown curls that hang down to his shoulders.

Woah he looks hot. 

I catch myself quickly. 

What the fuck? No. Stop it.

"Like what you see?" Connor says with a smirk and a chuckle. I must of been staring. Shit.

"N-no, I-I-I-I'm so-sorry I d-didn't mean-"

"It's ok," he cuts me off. His eyes roam down to my shoes then back up to my eyes. "You look really good."

See I told you it wasn't weird for friends to say that.

I blush at the compliment.

"S-so um, wh-where are we g-going?" I inquire.

"Well there's this great little ice cream place that I thought you might like. It's called À La Mode," he replies.

Time SQUIP (hehe) ~ Connors POV

We walk into the ice cream shop and hear a little bell ring above us. The place brings back a lot of memories.

Memories from when Larry had his "perfect" little son. Before either of us knew the real me.

 But we don't talk about hetero Connor, because... ew. 

And guess what, dad. Now I'm here with a boy. On a date. So, you know, take that and go fuck yourself, Larry.  

Evan and I walk up to the counter and take a look at all the flavours and toppings. 

"What can I get you?" asks the girl behind the counter. She is wearing a dark pink jacket over her black and pink apron. Her hair is half up half down with two little buns on the top of her head. I look at the name tag on her apron. "Jenna," it reads. 

"I'll have a medium dark chocolate and mint chip ice cream in a cone with rainbow sprinkles," I order. 

I turn to Evan. I notice that he's sweating a little and he looks anxious. He looks up at me for a second and I get an idea. 

I lean down a bit a whisper in his ear. "You can just tell me what you want and I can order for you, if that makes you feel better."

He nods shyly, and cups his hand in front of his mouth as he whispers back. "C-c-could I have a-a p-pistachio ice cream m-maybe? W-With, um, chocolate sauce a-and sprinkles? P-please?" 

I order for him and turn to flash Evan a smile. Which I rarely ever do but around him I just can't stop myself. 

Evan's blushing like crazy.


He catches me looking at him and giggles. 

Oh my god did he just giggle?

My heart flutters, and I feel my cheeks flush.

Uh oh. I think I may really be falling for this boi.

A/N ~ Hope you guys are enjoying this trash. Btw I just watched beetlejuice and I LOVED IT! I'm already making references with my non-theatre  kid friends haha.

Sincerely, Me

Lead With The Worst of Me ~ A Treebros Fanfic (ConnorxEvan)Where stories live. Discover now