Maybe This Was A Bad Idea

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Chapter 2: Maybe This Was A Bad Idea

Amaryllis POV

Master Oren is supposed to be coming back today since my birthday is in a week. He does this every year so he can find out what I want and have time to get it. He can't exactly hide it here since I know every square inch of this cottage. Sadly, the one thing I want the most, I can't have. I want to go see the fireflies this year. They appear one night a year in the east and they're huge. Master Oren allows me to go out into the yard on my birthday and there's a tree in the middle with a branch that's perfect to see them. I've already cleaned the cottage top to bottom, painted a mural, and read a book and I've only been awake for two hours. What am I supposed to do now? I sigh as I continue to pet Miss Fluffy, the snow white cat Master Oren brought me for my birthday last year. She's become my best friend since Master Oren is the only other person I've ever met and he travels often. He's been gone for a month this time.

I tense as the door opens downstairs. It's not Master Oren because he always calls for me as soon as he enters and his keys jingle against the door. Miss Fluffy abandons me and makes her way out of the room, leaving me to try to figure out what to do. I can't hear any movements below me and that only frightens me more. I look around for a weapon, anything to defend myself, but the only thing I can find is a cast iron skillet that I was going to paint. It's heavy even though the bottom is cracked. It's better than nothing. I press myself against the wall by the door with my pan as Miss Fluffy hisses and rushes down the stairs. Someone's definitely in here. A couple minutes later, my heart stops as a tall thin man with dark hair enters the room. Master Oren was right, they came for me. He hasn't seen me yet, though he's looking around the room. I release the breath I've been holding and take a step forward, trying to get the courage to swing at him. He moves slightly and I let out a squeak of fear and as he turns around, I swing.

I have this strange man tied to one of the kitchen chairs. The pan hit him hard enough to drop him so I got a chair and tied him up before he could wake up. The only problem now is, what do I do? I can't kill someone but I can't just let him go, he'd take me. I could wait for Master Oren to return but that could be hours, even days depending on what's happening out there. I settle on the bed as far away from him as I can and as he starts to stir, I bring the pan up defensively. He blinks a few times before his eyes focus on me. They're gold colored and the pupils remind me of a cat's eye.

"W-Who are you? How did you find me?" I ask, trying and failing to sound intimidating.

"I'm Nanaki and I wasn't looking for you. I'm sorry I-"

"You're one of them, aren't you? He warned me about you people... You're coming to take me, aren't you?"

"No?" He arches a brow. "I don't know what you're talking about, I was just looking for a place to hide and found the entrance to the cottage. I didn't think anyone would be in here."

"You're lying!"

I get to my feet and start to pace. I really don't know what to do now. Why can't I be courageous enough to kill him? I guess I could use his helplessness to my advantage and ask some questions.

"What do you know about the fireflies?"

"The bug? They come out at night in the spring and summer and their bodies flick-"

"Not those fireflies. These come out once a year, only on my birthday. They're showing up again in a week."

"Fireflies aren't date exclusive, so those probably aren't fireflies." He tells me as he fiddles with the knots.

"Then what are they? They come out at night from the east."

I cross the room and grab one of my sketch books. I find a page containing the sketch I made last year on my birthday.

"Yeah, that's not fireflies... Since that's from the east... a week from now. Oh, those are lanterns."


"Years ago, when I was a kid, the princess of Wistal Castle was lost. They believe she was taken but never figured out who did it or why. They hope that she's alive still and will see the lanterns on the day she was taken and make it home. I don't think she's alive though. It's been almost eighteen years now."

"So the thing I look forward to on my birthday every year is a memorial for a dead princess?" I mumble under my breath. Well, that's depressing.

"Yeah, pretty much. Now, since I gave you that information, could you untie me and let me be on my way? I have things to do."

I can't let this Nanaki man go, he'll take me, but I still don't know what to do with him now. I open my mouth to tell him no, but I hear the door slam open and Master Oren call for me. He asks why the door is open and I let out a quiet curse. I'm going to be in trouble because he always forbid me from going outside. He said if I did, that they would find me and they'd take me from him. I look at Nanaki, then the door.

"Are you safe? Do I need to protect you?" He whispers and his voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up." I hiss under my breath. "Stay quiet. I'll be back." 

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