Tell Me

138 11 7


I bolt upright in bed and slam my hands over my mouth to stifle the scream threatening to escape. It's not enough though and a split second later the windows to my left open and Obi asks if I'm okay as he straightens. He's not a fan of being indoors so he typically sleeps in a tree near my room. A small light fills the room and I nod slowly but I can't get myself to do anything else as the tears well up in my eyes. A slight pressure moves the bed beside me and I feel Obi gently press my head to his chest as his other hand rubs my arm.

"It's okay, Blondie," He whispers. "you're safe here."

The tears still fall and I lift a shaky hand to cling to the fabric of his top.

"I-I was back in that house... I could smell him burning but I couldn't... I couldn't leave, then I started to burn too..."

"I'm sorry. I know it's hard to deal with but you saved yourself and all those others that were trapped to be sold. You did a good thing by setting the fire."

"I know... but I... killed someone. Someone I thought was my father for my entire life."

"You're home and safe now, no one is ever going to hurt you again and you've got two wonderful brothers to get to know."

"Obi, why did you stay?" I ask as my tears finally stop falling. "You and everyone else said you were a criminal, I know they pardoned you, but you had the option to leave."

He tenses and pulls away slightly but I keep my grip on his shirt.

"I... reconsidered my priorities and thought it beneficial to take this job." He finally mumbles.

"And what does that mean?" I arch a brow as I let go and look up at him.

"It means I found something that is worth more than anything I could ever try to take."

"What is it?"

His face pales and he takes another step back, turning his gaze to the window. "I-I... it's late Miss, you should try to get some sleep."

"Fine, I'll just take this back up with you in the morning."

He ruffles my hair and my eyes widen as a moment later, I feel his lips on the top of my head. Before I can blink, he's gone and the window shuts softly. I've never been kissed that way...

The handsy lady came back to bathe and dress me again this morning. I don't quite like her but Obi said I can ask one of my brothers if there's anyone else. She spends most of her time with me roughly scrubbing my skin and insulting me, even telling me that I'm an imposter and there's no way I'm the princess. The princess part I'm not fully convinced of myself, though I recognized the mobile above the bed. Obi ruffles my hair, drawing a scowl from me until he asks what's on my mind.

"Still trying to wrap my head around everything," I hum. "Also I am thinking of what you've found that caused you to change your life so drastically."

"I don't feel you should trouble yourself with that. Besides, you need to focus on the ball coming up."

"Don't remind me... Are there other princes and stuff in the world? Like anyone I should be worried about?"

"Well, worried is a strong word, but there's the neighboring kingdom of Tanbarun. There are two young royals but they're children. Their older brother is somewhere around yours and Prince Zen's ages. Prince Raji, so I've heard, is rather full of himself and not the best ruler."

"That seems... potentially tolerable." I sigh.

"There is the possibility that since you are unwed and he is as well that he will try to court you or ask your brothers for your hand in marriage." Obi's tone darkened slightly when he spoke and when I look up at him I can see a clouded look in his eyes.

"I have never considered marriage in any way, shape, or form. I don't know anything of royalty or kingdoms so he wouldn't bother, right? I'm rather useless as a wife."

"A marriage between you would solidify the alliance between the kingdoms. It would be a smart political move." He mumbles under his breath as he runs a hand through his hair. "Ultimately, you are an adult and with how new you are to their existence, I doubt they'd take you away from me- uh, let you leave so soon. You should be fine."

"Obi? You just said 'take you away from me'. What does that mean?"

"Nothing, I-"

I grab onto Obi's shirt, and jerk him down to eye level. "Tell me what it means."

"Calm yourself, Blondie." He chuckles. "You're not exactly threatening, especially since you don't have that skillet of yours as a weapon."

"I may not but I have a new weapon. You're my attendant and guard so you have to stay near me. I think I feel like spending the next week in the library in the middle of the castle with no windows. It seems like a fun indoor activity for both of us." I smirk.

Obi opens his mouth to speak but Mitsuhide, Prince Zen's attendant, comes around the corner.

"There you are. Prince Zen asked for your presence, we have a visitor here in the castle he would like for you to meet."

I cut a look up at Obi before sighing. "This isn't over, I hope you realize." 

Tangled *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now