Brave Like Obi

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He introduces himself as Sinjin, then leads me through the streets. I knew Obi wouldn't do anything to hurt me, he even got his friend to help find me. Sinjin stops in front of the door to a boarded up building and tells me Obi's waiting inside.

"But why would he be inside if he was looking for me...?" I ask as I take a step back.

"What? Do you not trust your dear friend Obi?"

"I trust Obi but I do not trust you." I take another step back but he latches onto my forearm and drags me inside before I can scream.

"Stop struggling you little wretch!" He shouts as he turns to strike me.

"Let me go! I need to get back to Obi!"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You aren't going back to Obi. He sold you to me. That's what we were talking about earlier. He wanted to get rid of you so I took you off his hands. He didn't want you."

Sinjin's words hurt, but they sound just like what Master Oren warned me about. Did Obi really sell me? I don't know... but I just want to go home. I never should have left.

Sinjin drags me up the stairs despite my struggling, eventually slamming my head into the wall so I'd stop. I'm still conscious, but everything is fuzzy and I can't get myself centered enough to move. He's dragging me now and as we pass through the hall, I see several girls chained to beds. I have to get out of here. I'm not sure what to do though, I've never had to fight or anything like that. The most I've done was hit Obi with my skillet. Obi... What would he do in this situation? Probably kill Sinjin and escape with ease. I don't think I'm that capable, but I've watched what he's done during fights. I'm sure I can manage something that'll hopefully free me. I let out a pain-filled whimper as Sinjin grabs a handful of my hair and drags me to my feet before tossing me onto the bed. I swing at him but he dodges it with ease before his hand wraps around my throat.

"Stop struggling, Bitch."

"Go to Hell." I bite out, my eyes widening as he reaches for a cuff chain bolted to the wall near the bed. If he gets that on me, I can't escape.

I continue to swing and I feel one connect to his nose then another to his throat. It's enough to daze him, so I take the opportunity to sit up and latch onto the cuff. He lunges at me but I close the cuff around his wrist before falling backward off the bed.

"I'm going to kill you!" He growls while pulling a key from his pocket.

I get to my feet and throw the nearest object at him, a lamp. It hits his head and I breathe a sigh of relief as it knocks him out. I take the key and move to the other rooms to set the girls free, then place the key on the floor, just out of his reach. I move to leave the room, but downstairs I can hear the door open and two men talking. I can't escape that way, so now what? My eyes move to the window. The glass is missing so it's just a wooden board nailed to the wall. It shouldn't be too hard to get down and slip out to freedom.

Climbing out of the second story window is one of the absolute stupidest ideas that I have ever had in my entire life. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought it a good idea. I feel my breath leave my lungs as I unsteadily crouch in the window ledge. There's a smaller ledge a short ways down that will let me down to safety, but dear God I don't think I can do it. The voices are getting closer now. If I don't go now, they'll catch me and it will be even worse. Sinjin very well could and would kill me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before deciding that I can do it. Obi would do it no problem, I have to be brave like him, even if he did sell me.

I crawl out and turn before letting myself drop down to the ledge. A small smile crosses my face as my feet land on the ledge. Now I just have to get down to the ground and figure out my next step. I decide that trying to use the bricks as foot holds to help me down is a good idea, but halfway down, I feel myself slip. Just as a scream threatens to escape my lips I'm in someone's arms. I better not be getting kidnapped again. I open my eyes and find myself looking up at a blond man with deep blue eyes. His hair brushes his shoulders and I recognize the Clarines symbol on the clasp of his cloak. He must be from the castle or something. I wriggle out of his grip and hit the ground while apologizing profusely.

"It's quite alright. Can I ask if you are okay though? It's not everyday I see a young woman crawling out of a second story window."

"I-I'm okay. I think... It's been a strange three days. Oh, do you know if they've set off the lanterns yet?"

"They're just about to be released."

A small smile crosses my face. "I'll finally get to see them, then. I've always wanted to see them up close but never got the chance. I didn't realize until the other day what they were for though. I just thought it was neat that they happened on my birthday."

"They're for my sister. Our parents set them off when she was born, and again on her first birthday, but she was taken a few months later. Now we do it every year on her birthday, hoping it'll somehow lead her home." His eyes look distant with a hint of pain and I frown. "What is your name?"

"I-I'm Amaryllis Zell. If the lost princess is your sister... You're one of the princes of Clarines, aren't you?"

He nods and I take an automatic step backward. Master Oren said to stay away from the castle people no matter what.

"I-I can't- I have to... I'm sorry..." I mumble out as I continue to back away. "Master Oren said I can't be around people from Wistal Castle..." 

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