Flowers, Dancing, and Chalk Hands

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Why did I let myself get tangled up with this girl? Any other time, I guarantee I would have simply left her there and been on my way, but I let this crazy blonde wielding a skillet convince me to take her to see some lights. I almost lost her thanks to Rina spilling information and Esmon and Thayer going after her. Now I'm waiting for her to decide if she's still going to come with me to see the lanterns. I reminded her that she still has the option to be escorted safely back home. She hugged me a minute ago and it felt very strange. I don't think I have ever felt that feeling- whatever it was- before.

"Let's go, we're missing the festival." She smiles up at me before dragging me off... in the wrong direction.

"Wrong way, Blondie." I smirk before leading her to the village.

I look back at her as we reach the edge of the village and her bright blue eyes are wide with panic. The crowds here are rather large and noisy, especially when paired with the musicians. It's tamer than it is once nightfall hits though, because that's when everyone really decides to drink. It may not be too bad tonight considering it's the night of the lanterns but there's no telling for sure.

"We can stay here until you're ready." I tell her after failing to get an answer when I asked if she was alright.

"When we go out there..." She trails off as her eyes move to the grass.

"I'll protect you. No one will get near you to even think about hurting you. We're just going to hang out until the lanterns tonight then in the morning I'll bring you back to your cottage."


"You're so high maintenance, Blondie." I chuckle as I lightly shake my head. "Now, are you ready?"

"I-I think so..." She steps forward before stopping again and she looks up at me while her face turns red. "Um... Would it be o-okay if I- just for a little while- held your-" I tear my gaze away from her as I feel that weird feeling again once I take her hand. "...Thank you."

As I lead Amaryllis around the village, I keep her close to me and feel her squeeze my hand every now and then. She's been looking around in wide-eyed, childlike wonder ever since we got her. I saw her studying the Clarines symbols everywhere and told her what they were, but now she seems confused by the people dancing and playing music. There's no way she doesn't know about that stuff, even as closed off as she was. I voice that thought and she frowns.

"Apparently not. Which is which?"

"The music is what the noise is, they're played on things called instruments. Dancing is just moving with the music, either alone or with someone."

"It looks fun." Her eyes track a couple as they dance together.

I'm not much for dancing but with how nervous she's been and how hard the trip has been on her, I'll let her have some fun memories to look back on. I tug on her hand and lead her into the crowd. She looks terrified but as I twirl her around to the music she slowly loosens up and a smile crosses her face. As the song ends, I notice a group of little girls braiding flowers into each other's hair. Her hair is long, though I'm not sure the true length though since she's kept it back in a thick braid. The girls look up at her, then down at their flowers, I guess noticing she was one of the few women without. They look over at me hopefully and I smile before lightly dragging her over to them.

"What are you doing?" She asks quietly.

"They want to dress your hair with flowers. You'll fit in with the rest of the festival."

"You won't leave me alone, right?"

"You'll be in my line of sight, no worries. Have fun."

The girls part ways on the steps so she can sit and they instantly start to undo her braid.

"You're so pretty, you're like a princess!" One of the girls chirps excitedly, sending the other three into a round of excited chatter.

"You all look so much more like princesses than I do."

It only takes a few minutes but when the girls finish and she stands, she has flowers threaded through several tiny braids in her hair while the rest flows freely, ending just above her knees. I did not expect her hair to be so long. She smiles up at me and asks how she looks. She looks beautiful, but I can't get those words to leave my lips.

"You look... good."

I go to lead her away but she stops short and tells me that the girls wanted something from me. I turn back to them and the tallest, a brunette who can't be more than six, grabs onto my shirt and tugs me down until I'm almost level with her.

"Take care of the princess. She's never been so she should have lots of fun tonight!" Her voice drops to a whisper as she glances over my shoulder at Amaryllis. "Give her this."

I find a rose being shoved into my jacket pocket before the girl releases me and they all start to giggle. Strange little children...

Amaryllis seems to be a little more relaxed here now, so I let her pull me around as she looks at things. We stop in the village square as children draw pictures in chalk. She said back in her cottage that she drew, so I ask if she'd like to draw. She shakes her head, telling me the kids deserve to have the empty spots. A little boy wanders over to her and holds up a stick of blue chalk that matches her eyes.

"Draw a picture Miss!"

"You can't tell him no, can you?" I smirk and she allows him to lead her away by her hand.

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