Miss Blondie

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I watch the excitement on her face as she greets the cat she'd left behind. When the princes and I went to rescue her, on the way back I had Mitsuhide go to the cottage and Prince Zen decided to follow him so they could gather some of her things and I'd remembered the demon cat so I asked if they'd take her as well. I tense as I hear Prince Izana make a comment about young love and she makes it worse as he leaves and she turns to ask what he meant.

"I- uh there's no telling." I choke out. "I'm going to step out and let Miss Linn come in to help you get ready for the day, alright?"

"That's fine, though I'm not sure how I feel about someone helping to bathe and dress me."

"You'll be alright." I snicker and ruffle her hair before walking out.

I don't stray far from her bedroom door, but I cross the hall to the large window overlooking the grounds. I don't know if she's gotten to really see the castle from our trip from the infirmary to her room, let alone from this view. I'll have to remember to let her see it when we have time. I turn at the call of my name and find Blondie's brother Zen walking toward me. I bow slightly out of respect and ask what he needs.

"I assume she is getting ready?" I nod in response. "Alright. I just wanted to make you aware that in two weeks we will be holding an event in her honor, celebrating her return. You mentioned that she is uncomfortable around people so if you could work with her, maybe ease her concerns, it would be appreciated. The main thing is I want you to keep a rather close eye on her during the event and for a few weeks afterward. Lord Brother and I feel there's a chance her return might bring trouble as word spreads."

"I won't let anyone near her that shouldn't be."

The door opens and the old lady shuffles out, mumbling under her breath about how timid she was. Amaryllis hobbles out on her crutches a few seconds later dressed in a light grey dress, her hair braided over her shoulder. She huffs about how handsy the woman was before lightly greeting us.

"How are you feeling?" Zen asks and her expression falls.

"I'm a little sore and very violated." She sighs. "I'm hungry as well. I feel like I haven't eaten in a week."

"It's definitely been a while. Let's get you down to breakfast, Miss."

"I will whack you with my crutches if you call me that again, Obi."

"Sorry Miss Blondie." I snicker and dodge the crutch swinging toward me, then lightly catch her elbow as she loses balance. "You're so graceful."

"Shut up."

Zen chuckles and shakes his head as he follows us through the halls.

While Amaryllis eats and catches up with her siblings, I'll head to the kitchens to get food for myself. She looks sad that I am leaving but Izana draws her attention away with a question. I step into the bustling kitchen's doorway and sigh at the heat rolling out of the room. I'm not sure how the staff deals with this heat all day every day, but more power to them. A woman looks over as she notices me and tells me that she'll meet with me in a second. She abandons the rather large stack of potatoes she's been peeling and wipes her hands on a towel.

"What can I get for you today Mr. Obi?"

"You don't have to call me Mister," I sigh, then decide what I want. "Can I just have two sunny side eggs and toast?"

"Sure thing, it will be just a few minutes."

I walk through the gardens with Amaryllis shortly after lunch. After breakfast I brought her to Prince Zen's office so they could get to know each other. Now he's busy with meetings so she has free time. She told me this morning she wanted to explore the gardens and possibly paint so that's what we're doing. I don't think it's the best idea since she's on crutches and only a couple of days between her almost burning to death and now, but she's too stubborn to go back and rest. Perhaps she'll sleep it off later on.

"Ooh! Obi, look! They have snapdragons. They're my favorite flower... that I've seen in a book I suppose..." A frown crosses her face as she looks around at the garden. "I missed so much growing up. I'd never even seen a flower until my fourteenth birthday. When I asked for the seeds and permission to plant a garden so I could see it from the window, he got mad and burned the flowers."

"Well now you can see as many flowers as you want whenever you want, even in the winter since the greenhouses hold several flower types as well." I tell her and a small smile crosses her face.

"You're right. It still feels so strange being here and talking with them as if it's normal. Just a few days ago we were total strangers but now they're my brothers. Will I ever get used to it, Obi?"

She looks over at me hopefully, tearing her gaze from a plant with flowers the same color as her eyes.

"I believe you will, it will just take time. There is something I need to tell you about though. Your brother Prince Zen asked me about it this morning."

"What's going on?" She asks and I reach over to gently steady her as she almost falls while trying to look closely at a lady bug on a tulip.

"In two weeks there's going to be... an event... in your honor to celebrate your return."

"Like a dinner?"

I avoid her gaze as I answer. "More like a ball, which is a gathering of typically nobles and other royalty where they feast, dance, and talk."

"Like a ball of about six people?" There's a flicker of hope in her eyes and I'm about to crush it.

"More like close to three hundred, if not more."

"Nope. Not going to happen. I decline, refuse, will not acknowledge further."

"Blondie, I hope you realize that hobbling away on your crutches won't save you." I chuckle as she tries to hurry away.

"It's worth a shot!" She calls without looking back, then promptly trips herself so I rush to catch her.

"I think your shot failed Miss." 

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