Just Breathe

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I stop short as I smell fire. We're near the cottage I'd found Amaryllis in, but it's not coming from that direction. The others ask what's wrong but I don't answer, instead shifting our direction toward the fire. The scent is too strong to be a simple normal fire. Something big is burning and there's a hint of one of the worst smells imaginable... someone is burning. My eyes widen as a young woman and a small child run into my path a few minutes later. They look at me fearfully and I hold my hands up in surrender as a sign of peace. The castle group stops a few feet behind me.

"Are you alright?"

The woman nods. "The whole place is on fire. There's more of us inside that can't get out. A blonde girl has been setting us free but she can't find the key and refuses to leave the others behind. You have to help her! She saved us all from being sold."

I leave Prince Izana and the others behind as I tear through the trees to get to the safe house. They're going to be mad that I left their eyesight, I'm sure, but they will have to get over it if they don't want Amaryllis to die. They'd only slow me down.

The woman was right, the whole place is on fire. It's a rather large two story home that had at one time been abandoned. I stayed there a time or two when I needed sanctuary. The roof has already collapsed on one side of the house and the flames seem to only be getting stronger and stronger. I kick the door in and shove my scarf up over my mouth to block the smoke. I don't see any movement downstairs so I head toward the staircase, skirting past flaming debris as I go. I have to get to her. I have to save the women. I have to save her. I told her I'd get her home safely and though her home has changed, my promise hasn't been fulfilled. I'm going to get her back home with her family no matter what. She deserves that much.

I can barely see anything up here with how thick the smoke is. How are they still alive? I can hear them coughing and some calling for help but that's all so at least some are surviving so far. I hear a loud thud come from the end of the hall where the fire seems to have started so I hurry along. It seems the girls who are left are in these front three rooms. The windows are open in their rooms and the girls are huddled against them in attempts at having fresh air. They still aren't safe though. A curse leaves my lips as I jump backward to avoid the flaming rafter that crashes down in front of me.

"Amaryllis?" I call out as I try to carefully pick my way across the burning floor.

This whole wing is highly unstable and likely to collapse with a single misstep or all on it's own.

"Amaryllis?" I repeat and my heart stops as I hear my voice weakly called from ahead.

This room must be were the fire started. All that's left is blackened lumber and a few burning pieces. Near the window are the remains of someone, though I have no idea who. I call her name again and track her voice to my right. All that's there is a large pile of rubble and debris where the roof collapsed. No... Mitsuhide is calling for me but I don't respond until he's in the room with me.

"Help me move this. She's trapped. Where are the princes?"

"They were supposed to stay outside with Kiki but they are stubborn as ever. They're working to free the girls that are left."

"K-Key... In my left... hand." Amaryllis croaks out.

"That would be helpful Blondie if I knew where you and your left hand were." I sigh as Mitsuhide and I work to free her.

We uncover her a few minutes later and she smiles weakly up at me. "Hello... Obi. Long time, no see."

"Oh shut up." I sigh before picking her up and turning to Mitsuhide. "Take the key and see if they got everyone out. If not, get the princes out and we'll free them before the house collapses completely. I have to get her outside, she's breathed in a lot of smoke."

I make it outside to Kiki and gently place Amaryllis on the ground. She hadn't spoken since her little joke but now her eyes are starting to glaze over and look unfocused. I curse under my breath and tug my scarf down.

"Come on Blondie, you have to stay with us okay? Stay awake and focus on breathing, alright? Your brothers are here. You'll get to be with them soon but you have to stay awake first."

I look up to Kiki for help and she tells me to stay with Amaryllis and to try to force air in and out with chest compressions or mouth to mouth. She's going in to get the princes out and help make sure everyone gets out.

"You're too stubborn to go out like this so get it together, please. I haven't fulfilled my promise to you and I think I may or may not have gotten attached to you over our time together. Just stay awake. Focus on me and focus on breathing in and out. I know it's hard and it hurts, but you have to hold on. You can rest later, alright?"

Her eyes move toward mine so I take it as a good sign until I notice her chest movements becoming more labored.

"Don't die on me, Blondie." I curse before leaning down.

I'm glad she's not fully conscious, otherwise I think she'd freak out, thinking I'm trying to kiss her. As I lean up, I put my hands together and start to press on her chest.

"You can do this. Just keep breathing for me please... I don't want to lose you." 

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