In The Lantern Light

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I sigh as I watch Amaryllis moving around the room, trying to do everything herself, as always. You think she'd know by now I'm willing to do most anything to help her but she insists. Sometimes it's little things, such as getting a book down from the high shelf, other times it's trying to move furniture around the cottage. This happens at least once a month, she gets tired of the layout and moves things around. Most of the time she waits until I'm gone to do this, but I caught her because I was able to return early. It's been several months since we left Wistal Castle behind to settle in a cottage that Zen and Izana had as a safehouse.

That was Izana's plan. He knew about her still struggling to adjust to the castle life and how she didn't really take to the lifestyle, so he gave her a way out in more ways than one. She gets to avoid the marriage contract with Prince Raji by disappearing and she gets to live without being in the royal light like he and Zen are. The official story is that she and I ran away together on our own. No one knows that Zen and Izana gave their blessings upon the conditions that I return to the castle at least once a month to check in about her. They've visited on occasion but she hasn't gone back to the castle. Word's traveled around that once Raji found out about her leaving, he ordered his knights to search for her, but they were barred from entering Clarines in their search. Regardless of what he wants, she seems content being the lost princess again. She's befriended many people in the nearby village, Yurikana. They all know she's the princess since that's where we were for the festival that brought her to Izana, but they don't mind. The villages adore her and many have publicly made it known that if anyone were to come through in search of Amaryllis for Prince Raji, they'd deny them.

"You're going to hurt yourself." I call out and she shakes her head.

"I've got it!" She whines as her feet continuously slide on the floor while she tries to push the bookshelf.

"If you ask nicely, I'll help."

"Never! I won't admit defeat."

"You're so stubborn."

"Is that a problem?"

"Considering you don't have a skillet in your hand, no." I chuckle and she sticks her tongue out at me.

I get to my feet and stand behind her and push the shelf, making it move with ease.

"I'm doing it! See? I didn't need- oh."

"You did most of the work, Blondie." I grin and it turns her pout into a smile instead.

"Ooh! I had a plan for this wall right here. I'm going to remove the paper and set up new, of course, but I think I want to paint something for the castle."

"I'm sure whatever you come up with will be incredible." I lean down to kiss her forehead but she jerks on my shirt until our lips almost meet.

"Oh! If we don't hurry, we'll be late!"

She pulls away suddenly, leaving me to die a little inside as she hurries off to get ready for the festival. Despite her returning to the castle and being found, they're still holding a festival in her honor for her birthday. The lanterns are set to go off again as well. She's been overly excited ever since Izana mentioned it during his last visit a few weeks ago. Zen told me the other day that they intend on visiting Yurikana to attend the festival and visit with her. She returns a few minutes later dressed in a white sundress and asks how she looks.

"Stunning as always, Miss."

"You make me want to seriously injure you when you call me that."

"Sorry Miss Blondie." I smirk and she swats my chest before pulling me toward the door.

I stop short and tug her back to me before kissing her.

"Never almost kiss me then walk away." I mumble as I pull away and she giggles before kissing me again.

"Now can we go?"

"Whatever you want, Miss."

I stand beside Mitsuhide and Kiki as I watch Amaryllis dancing and laughing with the children of Yurikana. Zen arrived with his attendants about an hour ago with word that Izana will be here within another hour or so. In the hour and a half we've been here she's already been adorned with flowers in her hair by the girls who did it last time. I've been letting her have her fun while keeping a rather watchful eye on her. I don't want a repeat of last time where she disappeared, was almost sold, and almost burned alive.

"Hey Obi, that little blonde girl keeps staring at you."

I follow Kiki's gaze through the crowd and nod at the girl staring back at me before she pulls a dagger from a random man's pocket.

"She's a friend."

"She just stole a dagger from that man." Mitsuhide cuts in.

"She's a harmless pick-pocket. She sells weapons in a market."

"If she's stealing them, they're not in any sanctioned market, so where would they be sold?"

"There's a special market for people that come from my walk of life." I watch her take another dagger before noticing Amaryllis. She looks back at me and gives me a thumbs up before disappearing in the crowd.

Amaryllis looks up at me, her face lit by the glow of the lantern in her hands and smiles. I can't believe it's been an entire year since I brought her here the first time just to get it over with and take her back to the cottage. Now here I am head over heels for the blonde lunatic that hit me with a frying pan.

"What is it?" She asks and I realize I'd simply been staring at her.

"Oh nothing. I'm just glad to be here with you."

"Me too. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I-I love you Obi."

"I love you too."

She releases her lantern, it's paper shade the same blue that matches her eyes, and a moment later her brothers let theirs free. The three travel upward to meet the single lantern that came from the castle from their mother, then the villagers and the castle release theirs. When she finally looks away from the lanterns and turns back to me, she finds me on one knee, holding a ring in my hand.

"Amaryllis, will you marry me?" 

A/N: This is the end! I hope you all enjoyed it!(: Stay tuned for the next book, whatever it may be! Also, I know voting doesn't matter in the Wattys now, but I submitted 4 works that qualified (Sadly not all Snow White books). One of them is Thrill of the Hunt (Obi x OC). So if you haven't read it and would like to, make sure to leave it some love. <3

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