Rescue and Holding Hands

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I leave Obi behind, deciding to head on my own instead. How dare he imply that Master Oren bought me instead of being my father? There's no way that's true. As I walk into the next clearing, I realize I have made a huge mistake. There are two men standing in front of me and they look exactly alike. They're identical twins according to one of the books I have back home. I've never seen twins in real life... they're rather creepy. They both smirk at me before stepping closer.

"Hello little Dolly-"

"-Where did you come from?"

I can't find words, I can't do anything but stare at them with wide eyes and take a slow step backward. I'm going to die because I left Obi. That's great. I thought he would kill me if I stayed but now I'm dying because he's not here. Good job Amaryllis...

"She looks so sweet and innocent, dear brother."

"She does... Are you lost my little sweet? We can help you find your way."

Why are twins so creepy? They take another step forward and I turn and run. I don't trust him, but he protected me from those guards so maybe he'll protect me from these people. I crash through the trees and hide behind him.

"What's wrong? Is it another dee-" he trails off as the twins come into view.

"It seems Obi found our new toy for us."

"How sweet."

"Back off Esmon, Thayer. She's with me." They laugh at his answer but it for some reason makes me feel safe.

"What would Obi want with a sweet little morsel?"

"Why don't we take her off your hands?"

"If you try, it'll be the last thing you do."

I can tell now that he is definitely an assassin. He moves so easily and his attacks are strong but precise. Anyone on the receiving end of his attacks are going to get either seriously hurt or killed. It's weird, knowing his name now and what he does, I don't consider him as Nanaki anymore. Nanaki was the man who agreed to take me to see the fireflies. Obi is the assassin before me now, fighting to protect me despite the rude things I'd said. I quickly shuffle aside as one of them is knocked backward into a tree. The other twin is trapped under Obi's boot by his throat.

"Take your brother and leave her alone or I'll kill you both here and now." Obi threatens and it sends a chill down my spine.

The man beneath him cuts him a harsh glare but nods. He helps his brother to his feet once Obi frees his throat and they both turn toward me.

"We'll see you again, Dolly."

Once the men are gone, I turn my attention back to Obi. He saved me. He didn't have to, he could have simply left when I stalked off, but instead he chose to defend me without hesitation. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he was. He sighs and puts away his dagger before turning to me.

"You alright?"

When I open my mouth to respond, I can't find words, so instead I hug him. I've never hugged anyone before now though. It feels... cozy. Like a warm blanket and hot tea in the winter.

"What are you doing Blondie?"

"I- uh, sorry..." I mumble under my breath as I pull away. "I- just... thank you for protecting me... I never knew twins would be so creepy."

He chuckles and nods in agreement. "You have no idea. So, I have a question. Are you still bailing on your trip? If so, I will escort you home. If not, we're about fifteen minutes from the festival."

I look up at him as I weigh my options. He did lie to me and he is a killer but he hasn't done anything to hurt me and even saved my life.

"Let's go, we're missing the festival." I smile and grab his wrist as I pull him along.

He stops short and sighs as he leads me in a different direction. "Wrong way, Blondie."

We reach the outskirts of Yurikana and I freeze. Going into Safehaven was hard enough, but I can hear so many people talking and laughing and this weird noise I've never heard before. Obi turns back toward me, his golden eyes meeting mine as he asks if I'm okay. I'm not sure.

"We can stay here until you're ready."

"When we go out there..."

"I'll protect you." He smiles softly. "No one will get near you to even think about hurting you. We're just going to hang out until the lanterns tonight then in the morning I'll bring you back to your cottage."


"You're so high maintenance, Blondie." He chuckles before promising my safety. "Now, are you ready?"

"I-I think so..." I take a hesitant step forward but stop again and look up at him. "Um... Would it be o-okay if I- just for a little while- held your-" My eyes widen as he gently takes my hand without looking at me. "...Thank you."

I'm in way over my head. I knew there would be a lot of people at the festival, but I didn't think there would be hundreds flooding the streets in brightly colored outfits. A lot of the women have flowers braided into their hair and I can see the same symbol on flags, banners, and drawn in chalk on the cobblestones. Obi tells me that the symbol is for the kingdom of Clarines. That makes sense since it's for the lost princess. My eyes are drawn to the source of the noise I'd been hearing and I find people holding weird looking devices and moving or blowing on different parts while several people move around in rhythm. I have no idea what's going on, but the noise sounds nice. I look to Obi for help and he arches a brow.

"I know you've been isolated, but do you really not know what music and dancing are?"

"Apparently not. Which is which?"

"The music is what the noise is, they're played on things called instruments. Dancing is just moving with the music, either alone or with someone."

"It looks fun." I admit as I watch a woman twirling around with a man holding onto her.

My eyes widen as Obi drags me into the crowd.

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