Lazy Days

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I messed up. I totally messed up. I almost kissed her! What the hell was I thinking? I got caught up being close to her, how beautiful her eyes are, how absolutely perfect she is. I may be head over heels for her but I can't act on it. I've been assigned to watch over her, not to fall for her. I can't be with her anyway, she's the princess. She's slated to marry someone of status someday, not someone like me. I sigh and lean back against the wall and run a hand down my face. I have to stay professional around her.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"There is no paradise, Prince Izana. It's so hard keeping everything in check around her."

He shakes his head. "Why hide it?"

"Because I'm a former criminal and she is the princess. I highly doubt if we were together and discussed marriage that you would ever approve. Marrying her off to higher status would boost your kingdom while a marriage to me would do nothing for you."

"That is not entirely true, but its your decision whether or not to tell her or act on it. It seems you make her happy and I am glad for it."


Izana shoots me a pointed look before walking off, leaving me to turn toward Amaryllis lingering in the doorway of the ballroom.

"Yes Miss?"

"Don't 'yes Miss' me. You just ran out... Was it something I did?" She looks hopefully up at me but I can see the worry in her eyes.

I step over to her and ruffle her hair before telling her that I'm fine and she didn't do anything. She halfheartedly swipes at my hand and scowls.

"So, how did I do with dancing?"

"You were perfect Blondie."

I sigh as I carefully move my arm so Amaryllis can be more comfortable. She decided since it was raining today and I wouldn't let her outside that she wanted to paint. I joined her in the office Prince Izana had set up and watched as she worked simultaneously on three different canvasses. Things went fine, minus her accidentally getting covered in spots and smears of paint, but I got her to take a break and it seems she's fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. I move my arm and let her head rest against my chest before putting my arm around her. It's been a few days since the incident in the ballroom and I still never explained myself to her or acted on it further. Izana never flat out approved of it, but he never forbade my feelings for her either. Regardless, it doesn't make me any more confident. His approval and my feelings mean nothing if she doesn't feel the same and I would rather her reveal her feelings and move at her pace than me take charge. As much as I would like to be more, I'm content like this. I get to see her beautiful smile every day no matter what.

Amaryllis follows along beside me, a broad grin stretched across her face as we head toward the servant's quarters. I have her under the cover of an umbrella since it's still raining, but Garak invited her to join us for a night of drinking and playing cards. I don't know if Amaryllis has ever drank before, but I guess I'll find out. I made her clean herself up a little before we left since she looked like she exploded a ball of paint on herself, but I can still see streaks on her face and arms and a thin blue stripe in her hair. It's better than it was, so I guess it's alright.

"So, Miss-"

"Not Miss." She cuts in with a huff and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Miss Blondie," I correct with a smirk. "Have you ever gotten to drink?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think so anyway." She shrugs. "I only had access to whatever Oren allowed me to have."

"Well, I'm not going to allow you to get drunk so whenever I feel you've had too much, I'm cutting you off."

"You're no fun."

"You have a play date with Prince Raji tomorrow, remember?"

She sighs and pouts. "Don't remind me."

We find ourselves sitting at a table with Garak, Shirayuki, Mitsuhide, Kiki, one of the gardeners, and one of the chefs. I'd met Shirayuki and Kiki recently. Shirayuki is Prince Zen's girlfriend, a common girl who apparently fled Tanbarun after Prince Raji tried to force her to be a concubine because her hair is red. Kiki is Prince Zen's other attendant. I don't know much about her except we've both teamed up against Mitsuhide one day out of boredom and outwitted him until he gave up and refused to speak for the rest of the day. I look around at the bottles in the middle of the table before pulling a bottle of rum and a glass. Most of this is rather strong stuff, but maybe this will be enough for Amaryllis without going overboard. I pour a small amount in the glass and pass it over to her.

"Drink up, Blondie." I grin and she looks at it strangely before picking it up and smelling it.

"Oh, I've had this before." She mumbles before pushing it away lightly.


"Oren didn't call it rum though. He gave it to me every night from when I turned seven til I turned about twelve. He called it juice. I just remember it made my stomach hurt for a little while then I'd sleep."

"No rum then." I hum, trying to keep my anger toward the dead man in check. "Let's try... whiskey."

I pour it for her and she sniffs it before taking a tentative sip. "This isn't bad."

"Whiskey it is, then. Just remember I won't let you get drunk."

"Why can't we get the princess drunk?" Garak whines.

"Prince Raji has taken a liking to her and wants to spend time with her tomorrow."

"Good luck." Shirayuki slurs, already drunk off half a glass of wine. 

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