Waking Up

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My lungs hurt. Every breath is like I'm breathing in the fire itself. I can't even feel my body anymore, I'm trapped beneath something. It's too dark to .tell what it is though. I'm going to die here in this house, trapped under rubble until I pass from smoke inhalation or I burn alive. Both are horrible and terrifying ways to go but there's nothing I can do. My only regret is not being able to save all the women I put in danger, but I know now that Oren can't hurt anyone else anymore.


That sounds like Obi, but he was taken by the castle. Perhaps I died and Obi did too and he's calling me to the afterlife? That or the smoke's just getting to me and I'm going crazy. I hear my name again and despite the pain it takes, I call his name. He repeats it, sounding closer, and I finally realize that somehow he's made it here to rescue me. I call for him and a minute later he's talking to someone. I can't make it out and I don't recognize the voice though. It's so hot... Things start to shift above me sending shooting pains through me that escape in the form of whimpers. The movements finally stop and I don't feel like I'm trapped anymore. I can't see anything. It's all a hazy blur but through the haze I can see a dark spot and bright gold. Obi saved me.

"Hello... Obi. Long time, no see." I choke out, feeling a small smile cross my face.

I feel like I'm in a tunnel. I can't quite see anything and everything I hear sounds fuzzy and far away, but I know it's Obi's voice I hear. There are a few words that trickle in clear enough for me to understand but I can't respond. He's telling me to breathe, that much I've picked together. I thought I was breathing but I guess not. I want to tell him that it's okay but I can't get my mouth to work. I feel a pressure on my mouth before it moves away and the pressure moves to my chest.

"You can do this. Just keep breathing for me please... I don't want to lose you." Obi's voice comes through the haze before everything goes dark.

I don't think I'm dead. I hope I'm not dead, anyway. I'm in a lot of pain so an afterlife of this would be terrible. I fight my body's desire to sleep by slowly opening my eyes. It hurts and everything is a little too bright but I know I'm no longer in the burning house. Where I am now, I have no idea. I can't get myself to move beyond my eyes opening and closing but at least I know I'm not dead since I'm staring up at an ornately painted ceiling.

"Amaryllis? Are you awake?"

I force my head to move in a nod that brings me to tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just stay still and let me get one of the herbalists."

I see Prince Izana pass by as he leaves the room. He comes back a minute later with a young dark haired boy who looks me over before helping me to sit up enough to take some form of medicine. It doesn't taste pleasant, but he tells me that it will help relieve pain. I'm willing to deal with the taste if it works. A glass of water is brought to my lips a second later and I drink it eagerly. I sigh and lean back against the pillows once the glass is gone.

"I-I'm not dead."

"Well, you did die a handful of times but the attendants and herbalists were able to keep you alive until you stabilized." Izana tells me. That doesn't make me feel better.

"The women?"

"All set free and safe. Only one person died in the fire but we aren't sure of who it was."

"Were they in the bedroom I was found in?" He nods and I explain that I set the fire in an effort to escape. "Prince Izana... where am I?"

"You're in our medical buildings within Wistal Castle."

"Where is Obi? I thought before I fell asleep that I'd heard him talking."

"He's down in the dungeons."


"He attacked my brother... Our brother." He quickly corrects.

"What happened?"

"Zen tried to take you from Obi to bring you over here when we returned to the castle and Obi freaked out and attacked him. So, what happened to you? I looked over from the lanterns and you were gone, then we find you in a burning building."

Prince Izana leaves a short while later with a promise to return and bring Prince Zen with him. I still can't wrap my head around them being my brothers and me being a part of the royal family. It feels so strange. I just hope that they will let Obi go. He only lashed out because he wanted to protect me, I'm sure. I am surprised that they didn't keep him locked away for stealing the crown even after I got taken. I guess they released him since he knew where the cottage was. I sigh and let my head rest against the pillows as my eyes drift to the windows. At least the grounds look pretty. The door opens across the room and an older blonde woman comes into the room. She offers me a small smile before her eyes widen.

"Whoa, you really do look just like the princes."

"I get that a lot lately it seems." I hum.

"You'll get it for a very long time but after a while you can simply ignore it. I'm Garak, Chief Herbalist of Wistal Castle. You are?"

"I go by Amaryllis, but I don't know if that was the name I was really given."

"When you were just a baby the King and Queen named you Sirianna." She shrugs as she starts to mess with the bandages winding up my right arm.

"That's a horrible name." I snicker. "Amaryllis isn't much better I suppose."

"We're all destined to have bad names. So, how are you feeling?"

"Like I almost got burned alive and crushed under half a building."

She pauses before laughing. "Well, I can see why. You're lucky you survived. If that little thief boy hadn't gotten you out when he did, you would have succumbed to the smoke. According to Prince Izana, that boy gave you CPR until they got you here because you would stop breathing. You seem to have a rather handsome man who cares for you. That's lucky in itself." 

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