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Amaryllis POV

Well, Nanaki's plan failed horribly. We caught a broken branch and now we're surrounded by those men. I look up at him for help as he holds me close. It's strange to have him this close. Master Oren is the only one who ever gets close to me but that's usually when I'm asleep. Nanaki looks down at me with a confident smirk before telling me to duck. I arch a brow but drop low as he releases me. I watch in awe as he swings at one man, breaking their tight formation as they jump into action. He throws himself backward into a handspring and kicks a sword out of a man's hand and catches it when he rights himself. I've never seen or even dreamed anything like it.

"You ready?"

I look up in surprise, realizing he'd taken them down with ease. They're still breathing, but they definitely didn't win. I feel like I just blinked and it was over. Who exactly am I dealing with...? He can't be just a random man. Am I in danger? He holds out his hand but I can't seem to get myself to take it.

"Who are you?" I ask quietly and I can see the flicker in his eyes before he shakes his head.

"I'm the man taking you to see the lanterns unless you've changed your mind."

"That's not what I meant, Nanaki. The way you fight... you can't be just a regular person."

He sighs and looks from me to the men on the ground around us.

"If you come with me, I will tell you, but we can't sit around and wait for them to wake up from their naps."

I take his hand and he helps me to my feet before leading me away.

We travel in silence for fifteen minutes before he pulls me from the path and leads me through the trees to the east. I thought we were going to Yurikana and I thought he was going to explain things to me. A rather large house comes into view. It seems like it's abandoned, based on everything growing on it and the windows have been boarded up. Why are we here? He's not going to kill me, is he?

"Um... Nanaki?"

"I'm not trying to kill you. This is a safe place to rest. We'll eat and get new clothes, then I'll explain and we'll go on to the village."

"It's an abandoned house."

"Not entirely." He hums before tugging me up the overgrown path to the door.

Once there, he knocks a code and holds up a coin to the slot in the door and it swings open.

"Welcome to the Safehaven." He tells me with a small grin.

Safehaven is apparently the house of a former Lady who decided once her family was murdered that she would turn it into a safe place for the people scorned by society to relax, eat, and get jobs. It's pretty amazing but there are tons of people here. I've counted six so far and that's just the main floor. Nanaki leads me through the home and I can feel people staring at me. I don't like it. I find myself absently holding the back of his shirt as if it would protect me further, but is does slightly make me feel better. We stop in front of a long counter and he greets a woman with long dark hair and a cigarette hanging from her lips. Master Oren smoked them too but I've always hated the smell. Her bright green eyes flick over to me and a curious look crosses her face before returning to Nanaki as she sighs.

"Come with me."

She looks at me expectantly but I look up at Nanaki as a wave of fear passes over me.

"Rina's just going to take you to get new clothes, it's okay. She'll bring you back here to me when you're done."

I nod and slowly release his shirt and follow her away from him and up the grand staircase.

I find myself in a room with Rina as she digs through a closet while mumbling complaints under her breath. She keeps casting looks at me over her shoulder every so often, complaining that I'm so thin. I didn't realize I was. Rina turns to me and holds up a light blue dress with short sleeves.

"This might fit you, I don't wear color anymore anyway. Put this on."

She tosses it at me then turns back to straighten the clothing.

"Thank you for helping us." I finally speak before pulling my shirt off.

"I never thought I would see Obi come in with a woman. You seem so timid and innocent, why are you with an assassin?"

"A what? And who?" I arch a brow and she chuckles.

"Oh, come on, you can't be that innocent. Let me guess, he called himself Nanaki or something? He is Obi to everyone else. Obi is an assassin and thief. He steals and he kills people for money."

I feel my heart stop. She can't be serious. If she's telling the truth, I definitely am in danger. I need to get away from Nanaki... Obi... Whoever he is before I get hurt, but how am I supposed to get back home on my own? I don't know where we are anymore. I definitely can't ask anyone here for help. I offer her a small smile and tell her that I just didn't know that he was an assassin as well, then thank her for the dress. It fits nicely.

She waves it off as she lights another cigarette and leads me back downstairs. A man flags her down as we reach the landing and she sighs in annoyance. Apparently they have a man overdosing in another room. Rina turns to me and tells me to go down the stairs, go to the right, and Obi will be in the third room, likely sitting at a table on the right side of the room. I nod and thank her again before heading down the stairs. I smile as a woman in very little clothing greets me from her spot sitting on a step. As I reach the main level, Rina's words run through my head. I turn toward his direction then toward the exit. Can I really trust him if he's an assassin and a thief?

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