Making Plans and Mis-steps

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Regardless of how strange this woman is, she's kind of adorable. Since she's been stuck inside for so long, she doesn't know what different animals and bugs are so I've had to name them off each time we passed them. Toads, deer, and spiders seem to freak her out the most. She walked into a spiderweb earlier and I convinced her she had a spider on her cheek. Now, we're settled around a small fire for the night. I have to be careful that I'm not caught by the guards but I can't travel as quickly as I'd like since she's trailing along. I don't want to remind her that the only reason I'd invaded her cottage was to hide from men trying to kill me, especially because her master or whatever he is has filled her head with nonsense. I hand her an apple from my bag before starting to peel mine with a dagger. Her bright blue eyes meet mine as she quietly thanks me. I think it's the first time she's done it.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For not killing me... For taking me to see the lights... For not kidnapping me... For everything, really."

"You're welcome."

"So, why were you trying to hide? Who were you hiding from?"

Well, there goes me not reminding her...

"There were men who thought I had taken something that didn't belong to me."

"Did you take the thing they thought you did?"

Yes. "No."

"Did you tell them that?"

No. "Yes."

"Then they should leave you alone."

"Tell them that." I chuckle. "You should probably try to get some sleep, we'll start moving again at sunrise."

I wake Amaryllis just after sunrise and she sits up while rubbing her eyes. I'd noticed her shivering in the night so I covered her the best I could with my jacket. I didn't think about her clothing choices at the time, but our climate isn't too bad for a thin tunic and a layered skirt. She isn't wearing shoes though. Her eyes flick down to the jacket before looking back up at me, then holds it out toward me.

"I'm sorry you gave up your jacket for me."

"It's alright. I figured letting you get sick would constitute me not keeping you safe, is all." I shrug. "Keep it for now, is chilly out."

She looks hesitant, but puts it on and thanks me as her cheeks tint red. I help her stand and start to lead her toward one of the nearby villages. I'm not dumb enough to take her to Wistal Castle, so I figure I'll take her to the festival until it's time for the fireflie- the lanterns- then I'll take her home. After that, I can take the crown over to The Death Market and sell it off to the highest bidder. I can get so much more off The Market than I can at standard ones, I just have to be careful not to accidentally sell anything else. Words and questions can be twisted to deals, you could lose body parts or even your free will, but that's a whole other story.

"Where are we going to go, Nanaki?" She asks softly as she braids her hair.

"I'm taking you to Yurikana. It's the closest village to the castle. They have a festival that runs all week to celebrate the life of the lost princess. We'll hang out there and you'll even get to see the lanterns from there."

"Will there be people there...?"

"It's a village, Blondie, there will be people."

"I've never been to a village or a festival. What if something happens?"

"As I told you before, you have my word I'll protect you, so no one will even get close."

"There he is!"

"Shit..." I curse as I turn to find three knights on horseback to our right.

"Who are they?"

"The people who think I stole from them. Now, we have to run."


I drag Amaryllis along with me, holding tightly onto her hand as we make our way through the trees. The knights have kept up fairly well, but the trees are getting more dense so the horses will have a harder time maneuvering this quickly. I tug her behind the cover of a bush, then help her up into a tree. I gently press her against the tree trunk and hold a finger to my lips as they stop below us. She looks at me with fearful eyes and I mouth an apology. I hadn't wanted to get her involved in this.

"He's got to be around here somewhere. Keep looking. We have to get that crown back."

"What crown are they talking about?" She whispers once they're gone. "What do they think you stole?"

"Just a crown. I don't know."

"You're lying to me."

"It's nothing."


"Look, Blondie, it's not any of your business. Our only relationship is for me to get you to see the lanterns and to get you back home before your stupid master does. That's all. What I did or didn't do before this isn't your concern."

"Fine." She huffs. "Well, Nanaki, what exactly is your plan to get us out of this?"

"Simple," I smirk as I lightly grab her hand, "we use the trees."


It's slow going but we're moving through the canopy without being noticed so far. Since it's late spring, the trees are full of leaves so there are only slight gaps in the branches that show when you look up from the ground. I could hear the knights moving below us but none of them seemed to notice the rustling sounds heading away from them. She struggled a bit, but Amaryllis is almost able to keep up with me now since I'm still going slower than normal. We should reach the edge of Yurikana in just three hours and from there I'm sure I can dig up some clothing to trade out, maybe even some for her too since they saw her, then we'll blend into the crowds. Easy as-

Amaryllis and I step on a branch I didn't realize was damaged, then as it snaps, we hit the ground... in the middle of their meet up.

"Well... hello boys. It's nice to see you again." I grin as I get to my feet and gently pull her up with me.

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