Painting Faces

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I was unceremoniously shoved out of bed right before dawn. My subsequent scream of panic woke Obi who was sleeping in the tree nearby, which lead to him rushing in through the window ready to fight and frightened my new female attendant and the seamstress. I had to calm everyone down and once Obi understood, I begged him to not leave me alone with the women. Sadly, he left me to their mercy with a promise to return shortly with breakfast.

I don't know what to make of this experience. I felt violated by the old woman I dealt with before but Izana replaced her with a girl around my age named Sophen. Sophen is a lot nicer than she was but she and Lyniah speak a different language so I can't understand them but they can understand me. So, this situation leaves me in silence as I'm scrubbed clean and my hair is wrapped tight with weird tube things while they chatter. I'd just like to know why I was woken up before dawn if it isn't supposed to start until seven this evening. I, of course, could ask the girls, but they can't answer me beyond nods and head shakes. Sophen lightly tugs my arm until I get to my feet and she wraps a towel firmly around me. This still feels weird having someone else bathe me. I feel like I am more than plenty capable but it's apparently just part of being a princess. I'm helped out of the bath and brought into the bedroom again. The towel is ripped away and replaced by a robe before I'm forced to sit in front of the vanity I never used.

A knock sounds at the door and I call for them to enter while the girls continue their assault with hair items and make up. Obi appears in the mirror holding two cups while balancing plates of food on his arms. He catches sight of my expression and chuckles so I stick my tongue out at him, earning a foreign complaint from Sophen. Obi puts the food aside before turning toward the girls and says something in their native tongue. I didn't know he could speak... whatever they're speaking. They nod and retreat from their assault, then leave the room.

"What did you say?"

"I asked if they would like to break so the princess could eat and they were welcome to get their breakfasts as well."

"How could you speak their language? What language is that anyway?"

"They're from a mountainous country to the East called Sherra. In my previous line of work, I traveled a lot. Making deals is a lot harder if you can't understand the person you're dealing with. I speak about twelve languages fluently."

"That's so cool."

"Perhaps I could teach you sometime. Now, eat your food Princess."

"Don't call me that." I sigh as I take a plate.

"Well, this is the most proper I've seen you look and you're not even fully done yet."

"Speaking of, why am I getting ready this early?"

"You're still nowhere close to being done yet, for starters. Also, there are nobles arriving all day you will have to greet with your brothers. They're not getting you ready for the event either, they're getting you ready for greeting and such. You'll repeat this this evening."

"This is utter torture." I shudder.

"Welcome to the day to day life of the high status. If Izana didn't think you would have had a mental break, this would be every day."

"Is it too late to fake a mental break?"


Obi greets me at the door when I'm finally set free by Sophen and Lyniah. I feel entirely overdressed and too done up, but at least I'm alive. My usually pin-straight hair has been made into loose ringlets and pulled back from my face with a silver hair pin. My dress is nice but thankfully not poofy. It is, however, a pale yellow color and I don't know how I feel about it. Since my leg is still messed up, it's wrapped snugly and I have a light grey flat shoe on my good foot. I look up at Obi but as I meet his gaze he looks away.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful as always, but you don't really look like you." My heart sinks at his words.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not as long as you're still Blondie under all that hair and make up."

"Well, I still hate shoes, so..."

"Definitely still you."

"You can't say much, you're dressed up as well."

"Zen and Izana's orders, sadly." He grumbles as he tugs at the collar. "It's so itchy."

"You look nice though."

They'd given him an all black uniform to wear with silver fasteners where needed. He definitely doesn't look like Obi right now, but he doesn't look bad.

"Well, Miss, are you ready to go pretend you are comfortable dressed like that and you like all of these people?"

"As I'll ever be..."

I stand between Izana and Zen with Obi settled behind me while my brothers greet an older couple. From what I've gathered, they're a Lord and Lady that live in the northern end of Clarines. They have a son who is around our age who has been staring at me incessantly since before they even got out of the carriage. It's going to be a very long day... I feel Obi's hand gently land on my shoulder for a brief moment and it makes a small smile cross my face. I'm glad that I at least have him to keep me company since he and I both aren't used to this formal mess. I love that I have my brothers now and that they're such great men, but I don't think I can ever adjust to this new lifestyle. I'm doing my best though. 

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