Painted Families

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I come across the blonde girl with the tattoos again and ask if she'd seen her since she went into the building with Sinjin. A sly grin crosses her face before telling me she 'might' have, then asks what its worth to me. If she was a man and not a child, I'd force the answer out, but sadly she's just a child. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. The lanterns are being released soon, I don't want her to miss it.

"What do you want? Besides my boots, because that is not an option."

"Got any nice weapons? Daggers?"

I dig through my weapon pouches and pull out one I'd picked up about a week ago that I meant to sell. It's a dagger with a lot of detailing on the hilt and rubies throughout the hilt.

"What about this?"

She takes it from me and looks it over, then nods. "I could get good money from that back home... I saw her fall out of the window and the first prince of Clarines caught her. They talked for a few, then he led her back into the square."

"You couldn't have told me that before I went in the building?" I sigh.

"No. Where would the fun be in that?"

"You're a terrible child." I ruffle her hair and smirk as she complains. "Thank you though. Be careful, Kid. There are bad people out here."

"I'm from The Death Market, Sir. They should fear me more than anything." She shrugs.

"You're a long way from home, Kid."

"This is one of the biggest holidays in Clarines. Best chance for new product. Now go find the princess already."

"Why do you call her that?" I ask, stopping her before she can leave.

Her expression deadpans and she sighs. "God, boys are dumb. Have you seen the mural of the family?"

I shake my head and she latches onto my wrist before dragging me through several streets to stop in front of a wall with a large mural on it. It's the King, Queen, First Prince, Second Prince, and the lost princess. She's just a baby in the painting.

"Okay, it's a painting...?"

"Okay, so look at all of the older ones, then think of the pretty blonde lady. Angle of the jaw on the First Prince, same eye shape as the other children, same hair color as the eldest boy. There's no way that's not her."

"I mean they have some similarities, but I don't... think..." I trail off as I study the mural. "There's no way it's her."

"How old is she?"

"Nineteen today."

"Okay so she's the exact same age as the lost princess would be, with the same birthday and similar characteristics to the royal family. Yeah, you're right there's no way that could possibly be her." She rolls her eyes and I resist the urge to knock her over.

"Well if she is the lost princess and was with the first prince the last you saw, maybe they'll recognize her and she can reunite with her family. If not, she's lost and scared and I still need to find her regardless."

I leave the little girl behind and start to search the streets for Amaryllis. She has to be around here somewhere unless the prince took her somewhere else. It's going to be nearly impossible to track her down if they left. What is the prince even doing out here anyway? They always set the lanterns off from the safety of the castle. I spot two heads of blonde hair in the crowd surrounding the square and realize it's Amaryllis and Izana. I slip through the crowds and her eyes widen as they fall on me.

"I need to talk to you, Obi."

"I do too."

I bow slightly to the prince before leading her away. As soon as we're out of earshot in an alley, she whips around to face me.

"Why did you sell me?"

"Sell you?" I arch a brow. "I looked away for two seconds and you were gone."

"Your friend with the cloak found me. Apparently you decided to sell me to him because you didn't want me around! Thanks for that."

"I didn't do that, I swear. He approached me because he was looking for girls to sell and saw me watching you. I told him you were with me and to leave, then when I looked back you were gone. Some girl told me she saw you with him and I ended up in an abandoned building but then you were gone again. I left Sinjin chained up in the building and let the girls free."

"Master Oren said you were going to sell me, that's why he sent the twins after me." She mumbles, her face betraying her back and forth thoughts.

"I promise I would never sell you, Blondie. We made a deal, remember?" She nods slowly, then asks what I wanted to talk to her about. "Come with me please."

I bring Amaryllis back to Prince Izana and ask if he would be willing to come with us for a moment, that I had something important to tell both of them. Looking at the pair together, I could tell for a fact, without a doubt, Amaryllis is his long-lost sister. He looks like he's going to decline, but she asks again and he agrees. We don't have much time though, the lanterns will leave the castle in five minutes. I lead both of them back to the mural the little girl had shown me and turn toward Amaryllis.

"This is a mural of Prince Izana's family. The baby is the lost princess and, Amaryllis, I think that baby was you. I know you think Master Oren is your father, but you look just like Prince Izana and the rest of this family. You're the right age and have the same birthday she did." I explain and her eyes widen as she stares at the painting.

"How did you-? What? But Master Oren... Prince Izana?" She turns to him and I find him staring between her and the painting.

"When I saw you, I had a feeling, but now I can see it." He mumbles under his breath. "How did you find this out? Where did you find her?"

"I was... looking for sanctuary and came across a cottage. She was inside and we made a deal that she would hide me if I took her to see the lanterns. She went missing earlier and when I found a little girl and asked for help, she kept calling her the lost princess. When I asked why she called her that, she took me here and told me to compare the similarities between Amaryllis and the painting. I wasn't sure until I saw you both together."

"But... If he's my brother then Master Oren... Who is he? How did I end up with him?" Amaryllis whispers as tears fill her eyes. 

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