Attendants and Surprises

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I look up toward the door as I hear Obi's voice drift through. I couldn't hear anything else that was said, but the sharp 'what' was very audible. I didn't realize I fell asleep but the door shutting softly woke me. I wonder who he's talking to and what's going on. Everything goes silent for a few more minutes, then the door opens and Obi walks in looking pale. His eyes meet mine and I swear he pales even further.

"What's going on?" I ask softly.

He shakes his head as he settles in the chair beside me again. "I-It's nothing."

"If you say so. Oh, I was curious, what do you plan to do now that you've been pardoned?"

His golden eyes flick up toward me before he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Well, it seems that I've acquired a job, if the person approves. If not, I will have another job instead."

"Is it a legal job?"

"Yes, both are legitimate."

"Good, so what are your options?"

"I can either be a personal attendant and guard or I will be a messenger for someone else."

"Who's approval do you need?"

"Yours... Prince Izana asked me to act as your guard and attendant but I told him that I would only if you allowed."

"So I would get to hang out with you every day?"

"I suppose I could be considered that way, yes." He shrugs and I smile.

"I think I would like that, though I don't exactly see why I need a guard."

He shoots me a look before sighing. "You're the lost princess, royalty, and in the span of a few days you got abducted and almost killed several times."

"True... So, would you like to be my guard? You are free of our deal from the cottage of course, so I don't expect you to stay or to want to stay. I'm not going to make you."

"I feel like after the tenth attempted abduction I'll regret this, but I don't think I'd mind it." He smirks and I stick my tongue out at him.

Garak releases me in the morning and after I finish dressing, I hear the knock on the door signaling Obi's arrival. He offers me a small smile as he walks in and asks how I'm feeling. To be honest, I feel terrible but I'm happy that I'll be out of the medical wing. I'll get to see the castle finally and Prince Izana told me that I have a room for myself in the castle.

"Are you ready, Miss?"

I look up at him and sigh. "Just because you're my attendant now doesn't mean that you can call me Miss. I'm still Amaryllis or Blondie or whatever it is you call me."

"My apologies Miss Blondie." He snickers and I elbow him in the ribs before accepting the crutches from him. Beyond the bruising and cuts and the smoke inhalation, I broke my leg when the ceiling collapsed on me. I'll be on these for a few weeks at the least. I didn't even know about it until Garak helped me out of bed and I saw the plaster cast covering my foot up to just below my knee.

"So what are our plans for the day?"

"Your brothers asked that I take you to your room to freshen up, then to the dining hall for breakfast. From there Prince Zen asked if you would be willing to come by his office so you two can try to get to know each other."

"That sounds alright. If we have time could we go visit the gardens? Prince Izana said the flowers are in bloom and that he gathered some paint and drawing supplies for me since a dark haired man told him that I painted."

"I think that could be arranged." He hums as he leads me out onto the grounds. "Oh, there is a surprise waiting for you in your room."

Obi pushes the door to my room open and my jaw drops as my eyes widen. This room is bigger than the entire second floor of Oren's cottage. What am I supposed to do with all of this space? There are two couches, some arm chairs, a large stone fireplace, and the biggest bed I've ever seen in my life. My eyes are drawn to something hanging above the bed, a circle hanging from a hook with several long thin strings holding random shapes.

"That was something Mother had made when you were born. You loved to stare at the shapes if we made it spin. Everything else was changed when you were brought here but we left that. You can remove it if you'd like."

I turn back toward Prince Izana who's leaning against the doorway. "It's pretty. I saw it in a dream once and made something similar but when Oren saw it, he destroyed it... I guess that explains why. So Obi, what is my surprise?"

He points down toward the bottom of the bed and I follow his aim to find Miss Fluffy wiggling out from underneath the bedskirt.

"Hello again Miss Fluffy!" I smile as she jumps into my arms and rubs her head against my chin. "Obi, how did she get here?"

"I may have arranged for her retrieval and the gathering of some of your personal items while you slept." He shrugs with a smug smirk.

"Thank you so much! You're so sweet."

"O-Oh, it was nothing."

"Ah, young love." Prince Izana cuts in with a small chuckle and I take a slight step back from Obi.


"Oh, ignore me. I'll leave you to ready yourself for breakfast." He smiles softly before leaving the room.

"What did he mean, Obi?" I ask as I look up at him.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head. "I- uh, there's no telling. I'm going to step out and let Miss Linn come in to help you get ready for the day, alright?"

"That's fine, though I'm not sure how I feel about someone helping to bathe and dress me."

"You'll be alright." He snickers as he ruffles my hair before walking out.

A small frail elderly woman shuffles in and offers me a smile before dragging me into the other room without a word. 

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