Defending Obi

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It feels weird, being here at the castle with permission. I've visited this place in secret many a time over the years but now I live here, acting as an attendant for the lost princess of Clarines. I can't lie and say that I don't know why I chose to stay. I know why and so does the eldest prince. My peace is shattered by a cut off scream coming from her room. After she went to bed I settled on a tree branch nearby to look at the stars. I can't sleep inside, it's too much. I get to my feet and carefully move to the balcony before dropping into her room. I turn the lamp on and find her hair messily tied back from her fear-filled face. She nods when I ask if she's alright even though her body is trembling and she's about to cry. She's been struggling with Oren's death so I'm sure that is what it is. I cross the room and gently pull her to me for comfort. I attempt to comfort her as she tells me about her nightmare, which as feared, was about Oren's death and the fire.

"Obi, why did you stay?" Amaryllis asks as she finally calms. "You and everyone else said you were a criminal, I know they pardoned you, but you had the option to leave."

I tense, my thoughts going back to Prince Izana's earlier words and go to take a step back but she's holding my shirt prisoner in her small hand.

"I... reconsidered my priorities and thought it beneficial to take this job." I'm not technically lying.

"And what does that mean?" She looks up at me and even with her eyes puffy and red, she looks absolutely breathtaking.

"It means I found something that is worth more than anything I could ever try to take." Why did I say that?

"What is it?" You...

"I-I... it's late Miss, you should try to get some sleep." I stutter out as I fight the sudden overwhelming urge to kiss her.

"Fine, I'll just take this back up with you in the morning."

I ruffle her hair out of habit and tell her goodnight but before I know it, I kiss the top of her head.

That's stupid and not good, very, very not good. I duck out of the room as quickly as possible and settle in the upper branches of the tree again. Why the hell did I do that? I thought I could suppress my growing feelings for her but I'm starting to slip.

As I walk through the castle with Amaryllis on her latest mission to try to navigate it on her own, she's been badgering me about why I stayed. I manage to distract her by reminding her of the upcoming ball and she asks about other royal families she may have to encounter. As I tell her about Prince Raji, a dark thought settles in my head dand I'm unable to stop myself from voicing it.

"There is the possibility that since you are unwed and he is as well that he will try to court you or ask your brothers for your hand in marriage."

"I have never considered marriage in any way, shape, or form. I don't know anything of royalty or kingdoms so he wouldn't bother, right? I'm rather useless as a wife." She would be an amazing wife...

"A marriage between you would solidify the alliance between the kingdoms. It would be a smart political move." I run a hand through my hair as I consider possibilities. "Ultimately, you are an adult and with how new you are to their existence, I doubt they'd take you away from me-" Oops. "uh, let you leave so soon. You should be fine."

"Obi? You just said 'take you away from me'. What does that mean?"

"Nothing, I-"

I'm suddenly jerked down to her eye level. "Tell me what it means."

"Calm yourself, Blondie." I chuckle. "You're not exactly threatening, especially since you don't have that skillet of yours as a weapon."

"I may not but I have a new weapon. You're my attendant and guard so you have to stay near me. I think I feel like spending the next week in the library in the middle of the castle with no windows. It seems like a fun indoor activity for both of us." She smirks up at me but before I can retort, Mitsuhide shows up with an announcement that Zen wants her to meet a visitor to the castle.

Kill me. Just kill me... The visitor has turned out to be Prince Raji. Apparently he has a few meetings with Prince Zen over the next few days so he's going to stay here until after the ball. That's wonderful. He's been eyeing Amaryllis since we arrived and even was so bold as to kiss her hand.

"Zen, your sister is quite lovely. I'm so glad that I have gotten the chance to meet her."

I resist the urge to mock his words and instead focus my attention on Amaryllis. She's been mostly silent except a few pleasantries, like thanking him for wishing to meet her and such. She looks up at me from her chair, almost pleading to leave, but she looks away as Raji starts to compliment her hair. He reaches out for a loose section but I lightly grab his wrist to stop the movement.

"Please resist the urge to touch my Miss without her consent."

He meets my gaze and his eyes narrow before addressing Prince Zen.

"Who is this brutish looking man?"

"This is Obi," Amaryllis cuts in. "Obi is my best friend and personal attendant."

"I see." He hums as he jerks his wrist free. "I didn't realize they allowed people like him in the castle."

My temper flares and I open my mouth to speak but her hand gently touches the top of mine where it had been resting on her shoulder and Zen speaks in our place.

"Obi is the man that found her to begin with, saved her life multiple times, and brought her to us. Without him, Amaryllis never would have been found. He has been pardoned of his past doings and considering his dedication to protecting her, I see no reason for him to not be allowed. It is not your place to discuss the competencies of my staff regardless."

"Ah yes, my apologies. Well, dear princess, I do wish to get acquainted with you during my time here, if that is alright with you and your, uh- friend."

I want to tell him no, but I simply tell Amaryllis that it's her choice. I hope she'll say no, but she said that it sounded nice. It's selfish, but I don't want her to possibly develop feelings for him.

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