The Beautiful People

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I follow behind wavy Obi as he holds my hand. Our hands give me fuzzies in my stomach. I had fun with Garak and the others. I don't know why I'm not there anymore. I wonder where we're going, maybe it'll have more whiskey. I ask him where we're going and he laughs at me. I don't know why he's laughing but the ground is suddenly rushing toward my face.

"Obi, help!" I squeak out and I hear him sigh before I'm flying. "Obi I have wings!"

"I'm carrying you, Blondie, you don't have wings."

"Woo! Flappy flap!" I giggle as I flap my arms.

We make it inside and I tell him that I'm hungry.

"I'll bring you food once you're settled in your room, okay?"

"But food..." I whine.

I'm not flying anymore and I find myself staring up at Obi. His eyes are so beautiful. He's a beautiful person. He's going to find a beautiful person to be beautiful with and they'll have beautiful babies and a dog, whatever those are. I sniffle and wipe my eyes with my sleeve, drawing his attention.

"What's wrong?"

"You're not allowed to be beautiful anymore."

"What are you talking about?" He chuckles.

"You're beautiful and you're going to leave me for someone beautiful and you can't do that!"

"I'm not going anywhere but to get you food from the kitchens, Miss." He ruffles my hair like usual and it gives me the fuzzies again.

"Can I go with you? I want to hold your hand."

"You're so bold when you're drunk, aren't you?" He sighs and looks down at me but takes my hand and leads me away again. "This is so counterproductive."

I hate everything. I hate sunlight. I hate birds. I hate grass. I hate people's voices. I hate this chair. I hate food. I hate everything. Obi said I was hungover but all I know is my head hurts and the smell of food makes me nauseous. Of course I have my day with Prince Raji so I'm trying not to act as miserable as I am, but his random outbursts of excitement make my head throb. Obi's just taking a twisted pleasure in this, snickering quietly every time I flinch. I'm going to cause him bodily harm later. He won't even save me from this day. Currently, I'm being led around the grounds as he talks incessantly about his kingdom, how great he is, and how I simply must visit his castle. I nod at random to make it appear as though I'm really listening, but it's mostly just a dull roar in my ears. I feel bad that I don't care more, because deep down I think he could be a good person and a great leader, but he's more concerned for himself than he is for his kingdom. I really think he's just craving approval but I'm not in a situation to give that to him.

"Miss Amaryllis, can I talk privately with you for a moment?" He asks suddenly, drawing me from my thoughts.

His eyes are directed on Obi and I look toward him. I can see the ghost of annoyance flicker across his face before it fades into a thin, false smile.

"I'll be right over there if you need me, Miss."

Once Obi is gone, Raji turns back toward me and lightly takes my hand in his. I'm not sure if I like where this is headed already. I look to him in confusion and he sighs contentedly before telling me how happy he is that we can be alone without Obi lingering overhead.

"What did you want to discuss with me?" I ask plainly.

"Spending this time with you lately has enriched my life greatly. I'd very much like to court you, with your approval."

I can't get my mouth to work, all I can do is blink dumbly. What just happened? What just came out of his mouth?

"I- I uh... I- do I have to answer right now? This is so... sudden..." I stutter out.

"Yes, yes, I suppose I did rather spring it on you. Take all the time you need, though I will be leaving after the ball in three days. Just please, don't mention this to your brothers or that shadow creature that lurks around you."

His description of Obi makes me giggle, but I nod and tell him I'll keep quiet.

"Miss, Prince Raji, I hate to interrupt, but I received word that Prince Izana needs to speak with you Miss."

"Oh, thank you Obi. I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, Prince Raji."

"It's no trouble, Princess. I hope to see you again soon." He takes my hand again as I get to my feet and kisses it.

I follow alongside Obi through the corridors as he mimics Prince Raji. He definitely has some pent up resentment toward the prince. I ask about what my brother needed and Obi gives me a mischievous grin. Apparently he'd seen how uncomfortable I looked and did his 'job as an attendant' to protect me so he lied.

"So what did the little cretin say?"

"It was nothing. Just typical Prince Raji stuff." I lie, then feel an instant pang of regret. "So what happened last night? I don't remember much after Garak started trying to sing and take her shirt off."

"Do you want before or after we left?"

"Oh no, what happened after we left?" That can't be good.

"Well, you tripped so I picked you up then you thought you were flying. I brought you back to your room and was going to bring you food like you wanted, but you started crying because I was 'so beautiful' you were afraid I was going to leave you and find another beautiful person, and you said that I wasn't allowed to be beautiful anymore. You then convinced me to take you to the kitchen with me because you wanted to hold my hand. After we got food, you fell asleep in your mashed potatoes two seconds after you sat down." 

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