Into the Fire

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It hurts to move, to breathe, to exist. Master Oren was furious that I defied and fought against him. We aren't at the cottage but I'm not sure where we are now. We were there for three days at least, then I passed out and woke up here some time later. I'm tied by one wrist to the bed but even with the one arm free I'm too weak to raise it up to fight against the knots. He never answered my questions, but his reaction was revealing enough to me. Oren isn't my father, he's my captor. I don't know what to do with that information now but I just know I have to make it out of here. I miss Obi, as weird as it is to say. We've only known each other for just a few days but even though he's a criminal, I liked being beside him. When Oren wasn't messing with my head, I knew I could trust Obi. He protected me from everything and made sure I was okay. He told me when he found out about my family. Even if I get out I won't be able to see him if he is even still alive. The castle got him for stealing. If they haven't yet, the castle will likely execute him soon. The thought brings tears to my eyes that I struggle to blink back.

I can't be weak like this, giving up so easily. Obi would definitely escape and fight back if he were in this situation and here I am just crying like a weakling. I need to stop being so defenseless. I bite my lip to hold back a whimper of pain as I force my body to move despite it's protests. I fumble blindly with the rope around my wrist, praying I can get out of it. Once I'm freed, all I'll have to do is escape Oren and find somewhere to hide until I figure out where I need to go from there. My first thought is the castle, but would the guards let me in? I could go to the Safehaven place Obi brought me to but I don't know the code to get in and I don't recall where it is. I'll figure it out as I go along I suppose, I don't have any other options really. My wrist slips free of the knots and a triumphant grin crosses my face as I sit up and rub at the red marks left behind. Step one is complete, now I just have to find a way out without being killed first.

I'm so dead. The room I'm in is apparently on the second story and there's nothing to lessen the fall from the window. It's either drop down and hope I don't break something or die, or try to open the door across the room and see what lies beyond it. I turn away from the window as I hear a set of keys jingling up the hall heading toward my room. He's coming for me and I don't know how to defend myself. I only beat Obi when he broke in by surprising him with a skillet. I can't exactly do that to Oren, especially because I am without a skillet. I could catch him by surprise though... My eyes scan the room for anything I can use as a weapon and spot an oil lamp and a book of matches on the side table. I'm no arsonist, but it may come in handy. I quietly make my way across the room and tuck a match behind my ear before pocketing the match book, then grab the lamp and tuck myself against the wall by the door.

The lamp crashes down on Oren's head once the door opens. It's not enough to knock him out, of course, but he's bleeding and soaked in a flammable substance. My eyes widen as he lets out a furious growl and turns toward me. With shaking hands, I pull the match from behind my ear and hold it out in front of me.

"Step aside Oren, or I'll light it." My voice comes out way stronger than I feel. I am terrified.

He chuckles darkly as he pushes his hair back out of his eyes. "Why don't you just stop fighting me, Kid? You've been mine for eighteen years now and I have no intentions of changing that."

"I will never stop fighting you!" I snap. "I let you beat me and fill my head with lies for so long! I had a family that I didn't know I had. I missed so much over the years, an entire childhood because you stole me!"

"I didn't steal you, I bought you. There's a difference." He snarls as he takes a step toward me. "Now, be a good little girl and put the match down before you hurt yourself."

"Stay back!"

"You don't have the guts, Amaryllis. You're too submissive."

"A lot of things have changed, Oren." I strike the match against the wall and toss it at his feet. It catches the small amount of oil on the floor, then quickly spreads up his clothing through the drips.

All I can hear is Oren screaming as my feet automatically move me through the hall. Each side is lined with doors and as I look into them, I find females ranging in ages five to probably mid-twenties tied up or chained in the rooms. Oren's screams cut off suddenly and the burning smell starts to increase. Against my better judgment, my steps falter and I turn back toward the room. I can't see him thankfully, but the room is engulfed in flame. I have to get these women out of here while I can. I can't let them die because of my actions. I move back to the rooms closest to the fire and thankfully they're simply bound in ropes. I apologize to them as I untie the ropes, though I'm not sure why. These two women are about my age. They're coherent and aren't too incredibly weak, so I ask if they will work together on untying the others that are in ropes... I have to go back to the room and find the key to undo the chains. 

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