Making Deals

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This woman is certifiably insane but I guess that's what happens when you apparently seclude yourself in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. She looks about my age but didn't know about the lanterns. Everyone in Clarines knows about the lanterns. I ask if she'll let me go but as she opens her mouth to speak, the door opens below us and a male voice calls for her. She freezes instantly and I hear a whispered curse under her breath. Her focus is no longer on me and her entire body trembles.

"Are you safe? Do I need to protect you?" I whisper.

As crazy as she is, she's too instantly scared of this person for it to be a safe situation.

"Shut up." She hisses. "Stay quiet. I'll be back."

Blondie has been gone for several minutes now and in her absence I've been working at the knots tying me to the chair. I can hear her downstairs talking to the man and judging by the quick pace of her words and the slightly higher pitch, she's still terrified. He's raised his voice a few times, scolding her for trying to get out of the cottage. I hear him repeat her earlier fear about men coming to take her. I don't see why he's putting that in her head though. It's not like she's anyone special. I hear her ask if she could sit on the porch for a few minutes to get inspiration for a sketch and a slap rings through the house a second later. I don't know who this man is, but he's going to get it. My wrists break free and within two seconds, my feet are free as well. I hear her scream and glass shatters below me. I rush down the stairs but she's alone and I hear the locks clicking into place outside.

"Are you alright?" I ask as I help her to her feet.

Her eyes widen as she realizes that I'm not still tied as she'd left me and takes a few precautionary steps back.

"If I were going to hurt you, I would have done so already." I sigh. "Now, where's the bag I came here with so I can be on my way?"

"I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it." She tells me as she inches over to stand in front of one of the cabinets.

"It's in the cabinet behind you."

Her eyes narrow and she shakes her head. "No."

"It's rather obvious, Miss."

"No it's not."

"Then you won't mind if I looked, right?"

I take a step forward and she holds her hand out to stop me. "No!"

I can't help but to chuckle and shake my head. How did I end up in this situation?

"Let's make a deal, Nanaki."

I stare at her in disbelief as she waits for my answer on the deal she'd suggested. She told me that she would return my bag if I agreed to take her out to see the fireflies and brought her back before her master returned the next day. I am not bringing this crazy woman with me. She just wants to see the lanterns she'd see on her birthday regardless and I have more important things to do. I am a wanted criminal who actively has the crown of the deceased king in his bag. If I'm caught, I'm more than simply dead. I'd be cut into little pieces as well.


"Please? It's the least you could do after breaking into my house!"

"Not going to happen Blondie. You have legs and free will, you can go look yourself."

"I can't go because Master Oren would-"

"Why stay if you know that man abuses you? That's not a normal thing that happens, I hope you know. I can guarantee no one is coming after you, he's just saying that so he can control you. Besides, sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than ask permission."

"Then I apologize in advance."

"For what?" I arch a brow and take a step back as she steps forward.

I'm not afraid of this woman but I don't want to accidentally hurt her. I take another step back and feel myself fall as her cat rushes across the room away from me. I move to stand but she grabs an iron skillet and tries to pin me with it.

"You are so unbelievably annoying."

"Just take me with you to see the lights and bring me back and you won't have to deal with me ever again."

"I don't know how many times I can tell you no until you understand. My answer won't change."

She lifts the skillet to swing and I curse before telling her fine. I'll regret this I'm sure. A broad smile crosses her face.


"Yes, now let's get going before I change my mind."

"Yes! Miss Fluffy, I get to see the fireflies!" She cheers as the demon cat jumps into her arms.

"Alright, this is how it's going to work. You return my bag, we go to see the fireflies, I bring you back, and never have to see you again." I huff as I get to my feet.

"You'll get the bag when we come back."

"That's not how it's going to work, Blondie. I get the bag or I'll take it from you and leave you here."

I sigh as she abandons the cat and backs against the counter, holding her skillet defensively. I step closer and swiftly pluck it from her hands and toss it onto the table before grabbing her around the waist and turning to put her behind me. I then reach into the cabinet and grab my bag to make sure the crown is still inside.

"You're so rude." She huffs.

"Says the girl who knocked me out with a cast iron skillet and tried to blackmail me. What is your name anyway?"


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