Dance Lessons

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I suppress a sigh as I listen to Prince Raji prattle on and on about his kingdom and how amazing it is. I'm sure it is a rather lovely kingdom but I have little interest in what he's saying. I knew it would be beneficial for our kingdoms for the two of us to get along, but at this point I am simply going along with the pleasantries. I did not care for how he spoke of Obi. Obi is an amazing man, his past or not. Prince Raji has been here a week now and he's spent at least three hours a day with me. I glance up behind Raji to find Obi behind him rolling his eyes and silently mimicking him with gestures and amusing facial expressions. I bite back a smile and hide its traces by hiding my mouth behind my hand. Obi grins at me and renews his efforts, making it nearly impossible to hold back giggles.

Raji finally leaves to meet with my brother and once the door shuts, I dissolve into laughter. Obi chuckles and asks what's so funny. I cut him a look and he grins sheepishly.

"I just couldn't help myself. He's obnoxious to say the least, but you choose to be around him so I tolerate his presence for you."

"I know it will look good for the kingdom if I formed a bond with Prince Raji so I am doing it. He will only be here for another week, then he'll leave after the ball. Can you play nice for that long?"

"What kind of man do you take me for, Blondie? I am nothing if not a perfect gentleman."

"That's a lie and you know it."

"Rude." He huffs and another smile crosses my face. "Regardless, let's get you to lunch, then you have to meet with Garak about your leg."

According to Garak, the break in my leg was rather minor, so she removed the cast and instead immobilized and wrapped it snugly. I'll still be limping but I can move a little easier and won't have crutches any longer. I'm still not sure how my brothers intend for me to do... whatever it is they do at balls with my leg messed up. The most I've really learned about it so far is I have to wear a fancy dress. A dark haired girl around my age came to me a few days ago and took a bunch of measurements of my body and stared at me for a while before leaving. I later found out she is a seamstress and had been tasked with making a dress for me. I haven't seen her since. I wonder what color it will be. Regardless, I need Obi's help, now.


"I'm right here, what do you want Blondie?" He sighs as he peeks one eye open to focus on me. He'd dozed off on one of the medical beds while Garak worked on my leg.

"I need you."

"What?!" He chokes out as he sits up straight. I don't know why he's freaked out.

"I need you to help me with the ball. I need to know what to do and what not to do, and you said there was dancing but I've never danced before except with you at the festival."

He visibly relaxes and cuts me a look.

"What?" I tilt my head to the side and he sighs and runs a hand down his face.

"You should pick your phrasing more carefully, that could be taken as something inappropriate."

"If you say so." I shrug, not really understand how it could be taken that way. "Are you going to help me or what?"

I find myself in one of the ballrooms with Obi a short while later, staring incredulously at the pair of shoes in my hands. He says I'd be wearing them to the ball if it weren't for my leg. The seamstress comes in before he can speak further and starts to measure my feet. Before leaving, she takes the shoes from me, shoots a glare toward Obi, then hands me a pair of flat shoes with no heel.

"Thank you." I tell her and she gives a curt nod and slight bow before leaving.

"Anyway, put those on and I'll see what I can do."

With his help, I put them on and automatically wiggle my toes.

"Obi, this is my first pair of shoes."

"Really? Not even before-"

"No. I read about them but Oren said since I stayed inside I didn't need them."

Obi sighs and shakes his head before posing me oddly, then steps into the spots he created.

Obi has been patient so far, slowly guiding me as we move and spin in the ballroom. I didn't realize that there was quite so much involved in dancing. I'm glad I asked him for help. I look up at him and my breath suddenly leaves my lungs. What's happening? He glances down at me and a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

"O-Obi... I..." I can't seem to find the words though I'm not sure what I'd say regardless.

My eyes widen slightly as he leans closer to me. I can't make myself move and we'd stopped dancing but are still holding each other. I can see every speck of color in his eyes before mine close as his lips gently brush mine. He pulls away before they can make full contact.

"I'm sorry..." He whispers and as I open my eyes, he's gone.

What just happened?

Tangled *Obi x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now