Killing Time

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I thought Amaryllis was going to ask me something about the kiss earlier, but instead she asked about the ball. I can tell by her expression it wasn't what she had wanted to ask. I answer her question, then ask what the real one was. Her trying to wave it off only makes it more obvious.

"Was it about the storage room?" I ask, giving her an easier way to open up.

Her bright blue eyes focus on the window but she slowly nods her head.

"Well then ask. It can't hurt anything."

"I- uh, well it could hurt depending on the response..."

"You're supposed to be honest with me."

"I know that you kissed me, but does that mean..." She trails off as a blush rises on her cheeks.

"That I care for you romantically?" She nods. "Yes it does. I wouldn't kiss you if I didn't have feelings for you that way."

"Could anything come of this because of who I am...?"

"Your eldest brother has been pushing me to confess to you for about a week now, so I think we're good." I chuckle. "He said your happiness was most important so if you chose to pursue anything he wants to do it for your happiness not the kingdom."

"What about your deal to protect me and everything? I feel like that would be strange if we were together romantically."

"It doesn't bother me. I'd still protect you regardless."

"We've come a long way from me thinking you were here to kill me and you wanting to be rid of me." She giggles.

"That we have. I still didn't expect that me looking for a hiding place would settle me with a life of dealing with a crazy blonde."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"Not at all." I lean down to kiss her but a knock at the door makes us spring apart.

I've been kicked out of her room for a while. The seamstress came in with a large box that I assume holds her dress for the ball. Amaryllis assured me that it won't take too long, but I know better. Anything to do with anything of high status takes way longer than anticipated. In the meantime, I'll see what's going on on the grounds. I get tired of staying inside at times. Being here taking care of Amaryllis has made me lazy it seems. I don't think I'd go back on my decision or anything, but I need to keep myself active or I'll be useless if I ever need to defend her beyond Prince Raji's relentless flirtations. I come across Kiki training a group of guards and make my way over. She invites me to join so I fall in line with them.

Amaryllis and I make our way through the halls toward the dining room. The princes wanted to have dinner with her this evening, so once the seamstress left her alone, I came back to her room to check on her. I was met with a series of grumbled complaints about the dress and being poked by straight pins. On the plus side, the ball is tomorrow evening so she won't have to worry about being poked, just being 'stuffed into that unholy abomination of fabric' for a few hours. I'm sure it's nowhere near as bad as she's making it out to be. We enter the dining room and I hold back a sigh as I find Prince Raji in the mix. I should have anticipated as much, but I'd rather hoped that it would simply be a family meal and I could relax in the windowsill as usual, but now I'll have to keep an eye on the brown haired nuisance. Amaryllis and I aren't anything to each other right now beyond our formal relationship of guard and Miss so he technically has every right to pursue her as long as she doesn't reject him, but I'd rather not endure an hour of it without being able to say anything.

"Good evening Amaryllis Darling! You look absolutely stunning as always, even with that dark cloud lurking behind you." He cuts a glare up at me before winking at her.

"Simmer down Raji, you aren't going to flirt with her all through dinner." Zen cuts in and Izana hides his small bubble of laughter by pretending to drink his wine.

"Good evening Prince Raji, Brothers, thank you for inviting me to dine with you."

"You sound so proper," I snicker under my breath and she elbows me in the ribs before taking her seat.

I can feel Prince Izana staring at me from time to time. Every time I look at him, he simply smirks before turning away. Amaryllis saw him after our kiss in the storage room but I doubt she'd speak up about it. He just seems to have a habit of knowing everything or believing that he does. Sadly, she and I still never got to finish our conversation about what the kiss meant to us and the possible future. I doubt we'll have time tomorrow either, considering she will likely be whisked away by a team of women who will doll her up for the ball.

"Dear sweet Amaryllis, would you accompany on a walk through the gardens this evening?"

Prince Raji hadn't done much during their dinner except cut me glares or try to flirt with her despite Zen's warning.

"I would love to normally, but-"

"I believe my sister needs her rest in preparation for tomorrow's event. This will be her first experience with an official castle event." Izana cuts in.

"Y-Yes, I am rather tired and I would like to look my best tomorrow."

"Obi, please escort her back to her room."

"Yes Prince Izana." I unfold myself from the window and stretch before turning toward her. "Are you ready to go, Miss?"

"Yes Obi. Goodnight Lord Brother, Zen."

"What about me?"

"Goodnight as well, Prince Raji." 

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