Claiming Boots and Freeing Girls

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I looked away for two seconds to tell Sinjin to screw off and Amaryllis disappeared. I told her I'd protect her and she wouldn't leave my sight and I failed her. It's not like she knows anyone that she could have wandered off with, unless the girls with the flowers dragged her off. My eyes scan the crowd and find the group dancing in a circle together, so she's sadly not with them. The little boy that wanted her to draw is with his mom a few feet away. I let a curse leave my lips as I move through the festival searching for her. She couldn't have gone far. Sinjin took off when I noticed she was gone, he was only lingering to find new girls to sell. I hate that creep, but so far I haven't been able to catch him at the right time to take him out. He eyed Amaryllis until he realized she was with me.

Looking for her alone isn't doing much to help me find her, so I start to ask the locals if they'd seen her. Sadly they all seem to have only noticed her earlier in the day, if they did at all. I honestly did not think that taking this girl to see the lights and back would be quite this difficult. I sigh and run a hand through my hair before turning toward a drunk staggering past. Maybe she's seen Blondie. I ask, then ignore her rather large disgusting burp.

"I shaw herrrr." She slurs. "Well, I saw the cutee boy wi' her."

"Can you tell me about him?"

She staggers off after pointing out a direction and mumbling something about red eyes. That has to be Sinjin, but he was still with me when she went missing. Who is he working with then?

I come upon and empty, boarded up building after following the girl's directions. Well, this was entirely unhelpful, and if she really was with Sinjin, there's no telling where he hid her unless he's already moved her out of the village. I don't even know where to begin.

"Are you looking for the blonde lady?"

I turn around and find a young blonde child, no more than eight, with swirling tattoos framing her eyes staring up at me curiously.

"How did you know?"

"It was a hunch." She shrugs. "I saw her sneaking off with a creepy man in a cloak. She might be cheating on you."

"We're not together, but did you see where they went?" She points behind me to the building.

I thank her and head toward the door but her voice stops me.

"I like your boots."

"Thanks." I mumble in response as I arch a brow.

"If you happen to die in there, can I have your boots?"

"Sure, strange child. Shouldn't you be with your parents?"

"You know, by asking me questions, you're wasting time to go after the lady. What I want to know is why the lost princess is wandering the festival honoring her death."

I turn back to ask what she means, but the little girl is gone.

The door is locked, but not on the outside. Someone locked it from the inside so someone has to be in there. Hopefully Amaryllis is in there and safe. I circle the building in search of another way in, but find none except a window on the second floor so I kick the door open. Not exactly a stealthy entrance but it's alright. I don't need to sneak around in order to take down whoever has her. The first floor turns up empty beyond dusty pieces of furniture so I head up the stairs. One door is closed in the hall and I can hear movement coming from within. I draw a dagger and make my way toward the door. Of course its the door at the far end of the hall. There's no telling if someone will be lurking in one of the open rooms ready to ambush me. I scan them as I pass and the first two are empty, but the third has two girls chained to the headboard of a bed by their wrists. They look up at me in fear and I hold a finger to my lips. By the time I make it to the end of the hall, I count seven girls of various ages locked in the rooms. This must be one of Sinjin's holding houses.

I push the door open and my eyes fall on Sinjin, one wrist chained to the bed while a key rests on the floor in front of me, just out of his reach. He looks up at me before narrowing his eyes into a glare. Like he is in any position to be defiant toward me.

"Where is she?"


"Don't play stupid, I know you took her."

"She's not here." He shrugs.

I cross the room and grab him by his throat. "Where. Is. She?"

I squeeze tighter and tighter until he starts to thrash and claw at my grip.

"She's a crafty little bitch. She escaped."

I drop him, then grab the key. I imagine it will unlock the cuffs. I leave the room, ignoring his calls for me to come back and free him. He'll find a way out... maybe. I go through the rooms and let the girls go before leaving off in search of Blondie. She must have left through the upper window. 

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